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DO you know the history of the bridge___as long as 200 meter

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 01:37:16
DO you know the history of the bridge___as long as 200 meters?为什么选measuring不选measured
作为不及物动词时,measure就只有“测量、估量”的意思,没有”权衡“的意思了.例:It is the only thing we can measure.这是我们唯一能测量的.
(1)重量为…… 例:How many pounds does the box weigh?这个盒子重量为多少磅?
(2)具有重要性 例:His words weighed heavily with the jury.他的话对陪审团发生重要影响.
(3)起锚 例:The ship weighed early.那船一早就起锚走了.这里measure不及物动词吗?而the book came out is……为什么用-ed 都是不及物动词为什么一个用-ed 一个用-ing
come out 是不及物动词吧 为什么可以做后置定语?
measure 后边跟具体测量值或形容词时一般作系动词.后边跟测量的物体对象时才可做及物动词用.这里是measure做系动词的情况,所以选measuring不选measured.
using a ruler to measure a piece of paper
an instrument for measuring air pressure
mental abilities measured by IQ testing
He's being measured for a new suit.
His success cannot be measured solely on the basis of his popularity.
The cloth measures 3 meters.
The room measures 15 feet wide by 30 feet long.
再问: 那come out怎么解释呢
再答: 你的句子没有完全打出来,没法猜测came out 的意思和句子成份。