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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 11:34:57
CURIOSITY A:'curiosity kills a cat' B:'yes indeed,.I was at the shopping mall the other day,where I saw a 3 year-old infant who was not attended by adult' A:'what happened?' B:'I guess,out of curiosity,he came close to the escalator,his hand was almostclamped by the belt' A:'that's dangerous!what next?' B:'I ran over,held him up and handled him to the mother' A:'Thank goodness.Curiosity almost kill a cat' COMPASSIONATE HEART A:'manarebornwithcompassionateheart' B:'whatmakesyousaythat?' A:'therewasareportinthenewspapertwodaysago,onalittleboywholosthisfamilytoanaccident.Lettersfromalloverthecountryflownintoofferhelp,thereweresomedonationstoo.Manypeopleweremovedbyhisstory.Someevenoffertoadopthim.' B:'thesegoodsamaritiansdohavecompassionateheart.'