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英语翻译Given our experience across all business disciplines,we’

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 19:13:45
Given our experience across all business disciplines,we’ve noticed that marketing has,to date,avoided the sea change brought about by the information revolution.Indeed,over and
over again,we see that it’s this gap between marketing and the rest of the enterprise that is at fault for stagnating sales,high customer attrition,poor return on CRM and marketing investments and overall poor financial results.While marketing is supposed to be charting the strategic course of the company,it’s become the Luddite laggard when it comes to putting information to work to sell more.
The way to address this gap is enterprise marketing management (EMM).Enterprise because this approach to marketing is simply too important to be left only to marketing.What could be more important to your company’s success than understanding how to use every resource,not just the traditional levers of the marketing mix,to drive your company’s sales and profits higher?
鉴于跨所有业务领域给予我们的经验,我们已经注意到,到目前为止市场发展已避免信息革命所带来的翻天覆地的变化.事实上,再次,我们看到正是此市场和其余企业之间的信息空缺出现问题才导致销售停滞不前、 客户大量流失,顾客关系协调(CRM)收效甚微,和市场投资回报及整体财务结果恶化.市场策划应该为公司确立今后的战略方向,然而恰恰是这个重要的环节在需要他提供准确信息已促进市场发展的关键时刻变得懒惰,滞后.
解决这一差距的方式是企业市场营销管理 (EMM).市场营销管理 对市场的发展十分重要,
只留给销售部门作很不合适.对您公司的成功来说,什么因素能比清楚如何合理使用每个信息资源而不是单单靠传统的营销组合这一唯一杠杆去推动您公司销售利润提高更重要?(by ztlthb)