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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 19:02:54
身心成长在人的一生中是必不可少的.徐丹教授在其文章中指出欧美成长小说中所指的成长过程并不仅仅局限在青春期这一特殊时期,通常是指主人公一生中一段相对较长的时期,有时甚至是人由生到死这一整个生命期.伊恩·麦克尤恩的小说《赎罪》就描述了主人公从无知少女蜕变成睿智作家的整个成长过程.小说从头到尾都表明布里奥妮是一个爱好写作的女性形象.童年时她想利用自己丰富的想象来完成一部小说;而在现实生活中,在她知道自己再也没有以后面对塞西莉亚和罗比并请求他们的原谅之后,她依然选择写作来实现她的赎罪.主人公布里奥妮从不成熟地自我定位到心里重创再到内省的一生成长中,想象始终贯穿着她人生的每个特殊阶段:13岁时,她完全凭借空洞的想象来填补她对成人世界认识的空白; 18 八岁时,她依靠回忆和想象写成了《泉畔双人》来表达她尊重事实、追寻当年事件背后之真实的意图; 77 岁,她以想象虚构了塞西莉亚和罗比的爱情结局以表悼念,完成了《赎罪》并表明她已能够自由地以想象为媒介驾驭虚构与真实了.在这三个人生阶段,她对想象有着全然不同的理解、认知和运用; 布里奥妮在这三个不同人生阶段对想象的不同运用恰好也表明了布里奥妮自身的变化.从童年时犯下的过错,到在医院当实习护士,再到77 岁时的成熟作家,读者看到的是一个不断成长的动态个体; 而童年与老年时所形成的强烈反差也正告诉了读者一位成功女性作家从错误的自我定位经过重创经历再到自我意识和内省的的成长过程.
Physical and mental growth is indispensable in life. Professor Xu Dan in his article pointed out that the growth process refers to European Bildungsroman is not limited in a special period of puberty, usually refers to the protagonist in life for a relatively long period of time, sometimes even people from birth to death this whole life period. Ian McEwen's novel "atonement" describes the hero from the ignorant girl into the whole process of growth and writer. Story from a to Z are that Brie Onie is a hobby female writing. Childhood when she wanted to use their own rich imagination to complete a novel; in real life, after she knew no more later in the face of Cecilia and Robbie and begged their forgiveness, she still choose writing to achieve her sin. The protagonist Brie Onie never mature self positioning to the heart damage to his life, imagination runs through each special phase in her life: at the age of 13, she relied on empty imagination to fill the blank of adult world she knew; 18 at the age of eight, she relied on the memory and imagination in "spring the double" to express her respect facts, follow the events behind the real intention; 77 years old, she imagines a Cecilia and Robbie love end to mourn, completed the "sin" and that she has been able to freely as media control the truth and fiction. In these three stages of life, her imagination had entirely different comprehension, cognition and use; Brie Onie in the three different life stages for different use imagination to show the change of Brie Onie's own. From childhood wrongs, to in the hospital as a nurse, and then to the mature writer at the age of 77, the reader sees is a growing dynamic individual; a strong contrast and childhood and old age formed when it tells the readers a successful female writers from the false self positioning after hit experience to self-awareness and self-examination of the growth process.