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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 16:12:28
Alexander the Great, king of ancient Macedonia, the history of the world famous ancient military strategist and statesman. Born in the Macedonian capital of the Kingdom of the city Pyla. Have been studied under well-known scholar of Aristotle in ancient Greece. 18-year-old father's battle, two-year-old heir to the throne. His resourcefulness, as the King of Macedonia, a short period of 13 years, its雄才大略. West Dongzheng review, first established in the whole dominance of Greece, after the demise of the Persian Empire. Across Europe, Asia the vast land to build a west Greece, Macedonia, east to India, the Ganges basin, the south the first Nile Falls, north to water to drugs to kill capital of the huge Babylonian empire. Unprecedented record achievements, and promote the East-West cultural exchange and economic development, the progress of human society has had a major impact.
Edit this paragraph on the life experiences
Early (pre-pre-356 ~ 336)
Alexander the Great, 356 BC He was born in Pella, capital of Macedonia, Alexander's mother Olympia, as a result of the arbitrary and mysterious personality, and even recorded a total of she likes to sleep with the snakes, which she was so腓力二世rejected, but she son Alexander on the impact of very large, during the expedition of Alexander wrote to his mother often described knowledge. Because of the rumors at that time in Macedonia and the oracle of Ammon was later revealed that Alexander was generally believed that the record is the son of god Zeus, was born in Alexandria, before the lightning dream Olympia, and Pera urban area with a fire burned down the Temple of women, near the heart panic, several diviner that is a precursor to the arrival of a major disaster, when one said: "The burned woman on the Temple, there is a boy born the same day, the child will be after the demise of the whole of Asia."
Alexander growth by Homer's "Iliad" and the figure legends Achilles and Heracles figure a great influence on (his parents, Wang said that the Department of Heracles and Achilles descendants). Alexander small, hired腓力二世Greek philosopher Aristotle for his nobles and other children in the Kingdom of Macedonia米埃札mentor. Aristotle integrity give him eloquence and literary training, and he inspired the scientific, medical and philosophical interest. Alexander early childhood shows on music and equestrian talent. According to Plutarch records, 344 BC, the 12-year-old Alexander was found by others that a horse can not be tamed. He just soft on the horse, said a few words will be successful in taming a horse. He named the horse塞弗勒斯. Philip was pleased to say that:
"My son, and you find you a kingdom commensurate with it. Macedonia for less than your local."
In 340 BC, Philip against the Byzantine city-state (the ancient Greek city of migrants), 16-year-old father of Alexander the Macedonian domination, and led the troops to suppress the uprising in northern Macedonia, the establishment of the city. 338 BC, the 18-year-old Alexander in the battle command切罗尼埃the left side of the Macedonian army, the eradication of the city of Thebes, the elite troops: Thebes St team. That same year, Philip Collins set up the alliance, the consolidation in Macedonia under the leadership of the peace between the Greek city states.
In 337 BC, Olympia腓力二世and divorce, then married a niece of the Macedonian nobles阿塔鲁斯Cleopatra. When阿塔鲁斯in欧佩特拉Christine腓力二世wedding and cocktail party, said the royal family of Macedonia will have a legitimate heir to the time (estimated at Christine concubine in the metaphor of the child will replace欧佩特拉Alexander became heir to the Kingdom), Alexander replied:
"Well, I do, you despicable people, what you put me as a hybrid of the ... ... it?"
He then threw him to the wine. When Philip阿塔鲁斯patrol to stand on a chair when Alexander抽剑, angry because of his drunken waddled down in a chair. Alexander ridiculed Road:
"You see ah! A preparation from Europe swept across Asia Minor of the King, not even a chair is not the last jump."
Philip, after being deported, Olympia Alexander fled with his mother Epirus, in Macedonia, he did secure the right of inheritance was being questioned. Philip sent envoys after short-term recall of Alexandria, and his reconciliation to return to Macedonia in the autumn.
In 336 BC, in the egg腓力二世their daughter's wedding held at the Royal bodyguards were assassinated萨尼阿斯security, the plan is not the ultimate answer, Olympia because she has publicly stated that a total of joy as well as the perpetrators of the with links Epirus was suspected to be behind the scenes. And Alexander of Macedonia, on behalf of accused murderer official is subject to the Persian King Darius III of instruction, which he later became the reason to attack Persia.
Following the place and the consolidation of political power (336 ~ before the pre-335)
20-year-old Alexander was Macedonian army of Antipater faction elected the new king. The use of the advantages of the Pera, he腓力二世's funeral and to reduce the revenue policy of the Macedonian people and to win the support of the armed forces. He腓力二世to participate in the埃罗普斯executed on charges of assassination of two sons, Philip was sending Dongzheng阿塔鲁斯in Asia Minor. With the right to have a succession plan strategy while阿明塔斯Alexandria on charges of subversion were executed. Olympia was killed and her Cleopatra is also the son of the right of succession.
Philip was forced to form an alliance with Athens and Thebes, the hatred of腓力二世stabbed腓力二世as the opportunity to regain independence. In order to win recognition of the Greek alliance, the end of the year 336 BC, Alexander led the army into the original rule was腓力二世Thessaly, in the success of its aristocracy to break the resistance at the border, he was recognized as the hereditary rule of the new Thessaly De. After Alexander the south, making the surrender of Thebes, Athens succumbed again.
登位when Alexander, the Macedonian short state treasury. 335 BC, in addition to Collins to be outside the Greek city states of Sparta alliance in support of re-recruitment of Alexander of Macedonia in northern Thrace, to the north east of Asia Minor a solid line of defense and retaliation in the local Triballi 338 BC腓力二世tribal forces to hit and steal the stolen booty. Triballi defeated in the Danube, he threatened to enter and defeat the Illyrians the northwest of Macedonia, to make corrections at the time of the腓力二世important failure of the ruling.
At the same time, local power in Athens and Thebes, Alexander died in the Danube to the rumors as new opportunities. Again after the uprising of Thebes, Alexander of Macedonia from the Illyrians not only will arrive within 14 days of Thebes. He completely destroyed the Greek allies of Thebes, the elimination of a threat to the Greek forces in Macedonia, one of the three (the rest of Athens, Sparta), to its territory to the allies, and most of the people at the end of sale for比斯邦slaves. Military support (but not yet across the border of the armed forces) of Thebes, Arcadia then executed the leaders of their country, not just military support of Thebes, the blockade of the port of Athens was subsequently given up resistance.
Persian battle early (before the 334-before 333)
Hostilities between Greece and Persia began in 6th century BC, Asia Minor at that time located in the free fall of the Greek city states in the westward expansion of the Kingdom of Persia. In the Ionian rebellion and after the marathon campaign. 481 BC, the Persian king Xerxes I in the second attempt Buchi war occupation of the whole of Greece. Although Xerxes I of Persia, after being beaten back not attack Greece again, but Xerxes I in 480 BC, the Acropolis in fire and other acts of blasphemy was considered at the time of Alexander the Greek made there are still political revenge and counter-offensive the voices of Persian, which was also used by腓力二世and Alexander.
Persians in his father's assassination and the "liberation of Asia Minor Greek city-state" slogans, 334 BC, Alexander set off in Asia Minor, the mother stayed in Olympia pella power also left Antipater in Macedonia to about 12,000 infantry and 1,500 cavalry maintain forces in Europe. Alexander from Macedonia with its own and other Greek city states, composed of about 30000 ~ 40000 ~ 5000 infantry and 4000 cavalry crossed the Greek Ernst (now the Dardanelles). Although he made up for the battle腓力二世debt left over to him, an empty treasury that he had brought only a 30-day supply.
Alexander in Asia Minor and the small number of troops visited Troy, he and his relatives and friends from childhood to海菲斯Achilles Basil Festival, respectively, and the "Iliad" of friends and relatives in the Achilles Patroclus. Followed by General Alexander and the rest of帕曼纽led forces round, continue to Persia where the Governor to enter the fortress. The vicinity of the two Greek cities, has been independent of the Persian, do not want to be "liberated", and the troops to be in urgent need of supplies through conquest.
Persian commander-in-chief of the Greek mercenaries, Monte Rhodes recommended the burning of the surrounding agricultural fields, but because of the Persian Governor, though their local property, was not accepted. At that time, the frontier provinces of Persia 3 the Governor, including the Persian Emperor Darius the attached Ma, the soldiers were 40,000 (20,000 Persian cavalry, 20,000 Greek mercenaries) in a positive格拉尼库斯warring River and Alexander.格拉尼库斯Alexander in a battle near his own cavalry, led by "partnership Cavalry" team leader at war with the Persian cavalry, were two Persian Governor of Alexandria and his "partners Cavalry" kill teams. Alexander's own Ying helmets and caps are also one of the Persian Governor斧劈out of war. Another behind the Persian attack on the Governor of Alexandria in Alexandria when he was killed will克利图斯. Intimidation for the Persian service for the Greek mercenaries, Alexander let the massacre of troops on the battlefield most of the Greek mercenaries, and the rest of Macedonia was escorted back to forced labor. He will receive 300 Persian armor to Athena as the offerings back to the Acropolis, with the following inscription:
"From Alexandria, the son of Philip and the Greeks (except the Spartans) the dedication, from the barbarians living in Asia Minor to win."
Compared with the Persian forces, although I have little public enemy, even though there are many adverse, Alexander is still on the Persian army to extend a series of devastating blows, the victory. His success there are three main reasons. First,腓力二世left him well-trained army than the Persian army. Second, Alexander is an outstanding talent generals. Third, Alexander, I have the spirit of the courageous and fearless. Although each of the early battle of Alexandria in the rear command charge, but his approach is to launch a decisive offensive force if he is the lead. Such a risky tactic that he has repeatedly injured, but the soldiers saw him生死与共with them, does not require them to take those who do not want to risk his own danger, which is encouraged by the tremendous impact their morale.
From West Asia to North Africa (333 ~ before the pre-331)
After the war, he found the Persian naval superiority of his serious logistical problems, but at that time in Greece is not strong enough to challenge the Persian fleet of the sea. Therefore, he decided to take a笨办法- all captured from the land of the Eastern Mediterranean ports and bases. Alexandria area from today's Turkey, the battle all the way south to Syria, Palestine, until Egypt.
Alexander led the troops to capture the first in Asia Minor, where the elimination of one of the few stationed in the Persian army; then to Syria into the northern part of the way, the Persian emperor Darius亲征royal, from the Asian hinterland army mobilized hundreds of thousands behind in Alexandria, Macedonian Army to cut off supply lines. Darius Alexander回身face of superior force, a battle of Issus. Battle of Issus troops in the Persian side, the classical historian is different Ariane's "Alexander Campaign" of 600,000 is greatly exaggerated. Account for a large Persian force, however there is no question of superiority. However, the quality of the Persian army as the military Macedonia. This war almost annihilated the Persian army, the emperor Darius disappeared. In order to consolidate the rear, Alexander did not pursue, but回身continue to conquer the Mediterranean coast of southern ports, after seven months of a difficult siege, capture the Phoenician city of the island city-state push (in this Lebanon). Luo push in the siege, the Persian King Alexander received a letter book, made in order to reach a peace agreement, he is willing to cede half of the Persian Empire to Alexander. Alexander's generals think that this suggestion帕曼纽good, he said: "If I were Alexander, I would like to adopt this proposal." Alexander replied: "If I were帕曼纽, I might adopt this proposal."
After the push to capture Luo, Alexander continues south. After two months of siege, Egypt made a stone did not automatically surrender. Alexandria in Egypt and then stay for some time, a little breathing space to allow the armed forces of the machine, and the establishment of well-known today, the Egyptian port city of Alexandria. Where only 24-year-old as the pharaohs of Alexandria, known as the son of Amon Ra.
Complete conquest of Persia (331-pre-pre-330)
After finishing in Egypt, followed by his return to率军Asia, towards the north to the Persian hinterland, and for the total liquidation of Darius. Battle in Abela, also known as the Battle of Gaugamela, Alexander's 40,000 infantry and 1000 cavalry 7, in the face of Darius亲征royal Persian Empire convened the tribal soldiers dumping country. Plutarch's classic for the "imperial 12 Biography" said one million Persian army, and the other ancient historians said it was Ariane 40,000 cavalry, infantry one million, two hundred scythe chariots, as the 15 war (as early as the Roman Hannibal's war, other than the use of warfare in India, as this is the first historical records). These figures of course, has been greatly exaggerated. The real number of the Persian army has not test, the most conservative estimate is that 200,000 infantry and 40,005 cavalry 1000. Abela battle and the result is a large ancient war collapse of the Persian Empire, Darius escaped from the battlefield.
Made after this victory, Alexander entered Babylon and Persia率军two capital: Susa and Persepolis. In order to prevent the Persian King Darius III (not Darius the Great) to surrender to Alexander, Darius and his officers to assassinate their king, and when the year was 330 BC. But Alexander defeated Darius's successor, and his decapitated, after three years of fighting, captured the entire eastern region of Iran and Central Asia continue to advance.
Expedition India (327 ~ before the pre-325)
At this time Alexander had conquered the entire Persian Empire, this can return to their homes, re-planning his new territory. However, the desire to conquer and he has not been met, but continue to push into Afghanistan, from Afghanistan across the Hindu Kush mountains into India. March to the east of the Indian River海达佩斯River, and came to the fight against the Indian King Jiahe Porras confrontation, hit four of his last battle of war: battle海达佩斯thoroughly defeated by the army Porras . Because of the brave钦佩波拉斯, but also in order to win the support of the local people, Alexander captured the post-war Porras Gorge still let him be the king of India. Although Porras two sons and a grandson who died on the battlefield, then I Porras still dead set on and allegiance to Alexander. At this time Alexander had his war-weariness of the armed forces, Alexander西归no choice but to begin, during which he also sent a series of adventure activities, including the identification of the Indian River estuary, looking for the Persian Gulf, and the mapping of coastal topography, would like to find out where What sea is the sea or lake, and so on.
Dynasty (324 ~ before the pre-323)
Back to the second year of Persia, Alexander spent nearly a year of his empire and army to carry out adaptation, which is a major adaptation. Alexander the Greek nation from an early age that the only true representative of civilized peoples, Africa and Greece and all nations are barbaric nation. This, of course, is popular throughout the Greek world view, and even Aristotle also holds such a view. Although Alexander had been thoroughly defeated the Persian army, but he gradually realize that Persians are not barbarians, the Greeks, as they have the wisdom and skills, as worthy of our respect. Therefore, he created his empire into two parts in one idea, which has created a combined into one national republic of Greece Kingdom of Persia, of course, when the supreme ruler of his own. As far as we know, he really wanted to Persians and Greeks and Macedonians to form an equal partnership. In order to achieve this plan, he has a large number of Persian troops into their own forces, but also held a grand "Joint East-West" banquet. At the banquet, several thousand soldiers with the Asian Women of Macedonia, an official marriage. Although his own past with a married Asian Princess, the Dalai Lama has married a daughter rivastigmine.
Alexander is clearly attempting to use this adaptation of the military re-conquest of the activities carried out. We know that he intends to invade Arabia, perhaps the area north of the Persian Empire, perhaps intended to re-invasion of India or conquer Rome, Carthage and the western Mediterranean region. No matter how his calculations, the results of further activities have not been able to conquer. 323 BC in early June, Alexander in Babylon with a high fever and suddenly fell ill, died after 10 days. Also dissatisfied with their 33-year-old. The history of the cause of death have been constant controversy. The majority of records of Alexander in Babylon after the first swig, had malaria, there is the theory that he died from poisoning grass root sneeze. The theory has been poisoned by Robin Lane Fox questioned if, as in ancient Greece, a long time the lack of toxicity.
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published in the latest in July 2004 its "new diseases" magazine published a few papers to discuss the "Alexander died of West Nile virus," said.
Alexander did not leave the legitimate successor帝位, with his nearest and dearest is a faint half-brother of the weak and incompetent. Legend, when his friends asked him before his death to appoint a successor, he said vaguely: "Let the succession of the strongest." So he died, his generals had attempted to divide the empire led to a number of young officers of the dissatisfaction with this arrangement, and then a series of wars took place, in this struggle, the mother of Alexander, his wife and children ranging in killing. Finally in 301 BC, a decisive battle of the year, three winners (that is, Ptolemy, a slug flow rates, Macedonia) to carve up the empire of Alexander the territory, opening the era of the Greek. In addition to the local community in Macedonia and the furthest away from India, the Asian part of the succession by the Ministry of Syracuse, and this is the future of Pompeii and Rome, and others Kelasu battle over the Syracuse Empire. Ptolemy of Egypt will be inherited by the Department, which is Egypt's Ptolemaic Dynasty, Direct to future generations and Caesar married Cleopatra Cleopatra far.