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What is the highest palace in the world?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/01 10:38:02
What is the highest palace in the world?
The cloth reaches to pull the temple is an extant and tallest palace in the world,it locate the Tibet interborough capital pulls the northwest suburban area in City roughly 2,000 a knoll of rices top.In the region believe in hid people who spread taught heart,this sit the knoll as if the mountain of that kwanyin boddhisattva live,as a result use to hide the language call this as that the cloth reaches to pull.( the idea of the )
The cloth reaches to pull the temple repeatedly,the return to turns and twists,together the mountain blends together,it is high and high to tower aloft,sublime .Temple wall red and white intermingled,temple a magnificent,have the strong art infection dint.It is symbol that marking to pull the city of 萨 that precious wealth,also is Tibet people the bigness creative power,construct the art Tibet,the human culture inheritance that is also the one and only snow city plateau.
The cloth amounts to pull the temple history long,start to set up to hide king in 7 centry A.D.the pine fuck the cloth period,have been apart from now for 1300.The pine fucks the cloth establishes of vomit king of towards perish it,the cloth reaches big part that pull the temple is ruined in battle fire.1645 A.D.,five a life times reach to depend on to establish the rather a king towards,the beginning rebuilds the cloth reaches to pull the temple,five a life times reach to depend on from the a temple sunlight of moving to the White House top.In 1690,at 巴 mulberry hero's manages the bottom wrongly,fixing to set up the red five a life times reach to depend on to work properly the tower ,finishing construction in 1693.Will experience later on the on behalf reach the extension that depend on the ,just attain the scale of today
布达拉宫历史悠久,始建于公元7世纪藏王松赞干布时期,距今已有1300年的历史.松赞干布建立的吐番王朝灭亡之时,布达拉宫的大部分毁于战火.公元1645年,五世达赖建立葛丹颇章王朝,开始重建布达拉宫,五世达赖由葛丹章宫移居白宫顶上的日光殿.1690年,在第巴桑杰嘉错的主持下,修建红殿五世达赖灵塔殿,1693 年竣工.以后经历代达赖喇嘛 的扩建,才达到今日的规模