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What does the word "opposite" mean in Chinese?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/08 11:56:01
What does the word "opposite" mean in Chinese?
再问: �෴����Ե� ����˼
再答: ��1.�෴��,������ They have opposite views on the question. ��������������dz��෴�Ĺ۵㡣 2.�����,��Ե� His store is opposite to mine. ��ĵ����ҵĶ��档 He lives opposite to me. ��ס���Ҷ��档 There was a garden on the opposite side of the street. �ֵĶ����и���԰�� ��� n. 1.������;������[C][the S][(+of)] My view is the very opposite of his. �ҵĿ�����������෴�� Jack is considerate; his wife is just the opposite. �ܿ���������,��������ǡǡ�෴�� Black is the opposite of white. ��ɫ���෴�ǰ�ɫ�� ��� prep. 1.��...���� The post office is opposite the bank. �ʾ������ж��档 ���� ad. 1.�ڶ���,�ڶԹ� They sat opposite on the lawn. ������������ڲ�ƺ�ϡ� be opposite to sb.
再问: �������ʵ���What does the word "opposite" mean in Chinese?��仰ʲô��˼�������Ǹ����ʵ���˼��
再答: ������Ļش������仰�ķ��� �����ǣ� opposite������˼��ʲô�� ��Ǹ���������