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明天就要考试了 大家能不能帮我总结一下七年级人教版英语前四个单元的一些需要注意的句式还有一些可以变化

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 03:10:22
明天就要考试了 大家能不能帮我总结一下七年级人教版英语前四个单元的一些需要注意的句式还有一些可以变化
的句型 和一些词语短语的用法
Unit One 1. 介绍自己以及询问他人姓名及答语
① I’m Jim Green. = My name is Jim Green.
② My first name is Jim. My last name is Green.
③ What’s your name? My name is John Smith.
④ What’s your family? My family name is Smith
⑤ . What’s her name? Her name is Lucy Brown.
2. 询问各类号码的方式及答语
① What’s your phone number? My phone number is 555-1234.(= It’s 555-1234.)
② What’s your ID card number? My ID card number is 1101012.(= it’s1101012.)
3. 日常交际英语
① Good morning( afternoon/ evening). Good morning( afternoon/ evening).
② How are you? I’m fine. Thanks, and you? I’m fine, too. Thank you.
③ Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.
④ H ow do you do? How do you do?
4. 短语词组和重要句型
first name = given name 名字 last name = family name 姓氏
telephone number = phone number 电话号码 ID card 身份卡
Unit Two 1. 介绍物体
This is a pen. That is a pencil. It is a dictionary.
This isn’t a book. That’s not a ruler. It isn’t a baseball.
What’s this in English? It’s a pencil case.
What’s that in English? It’s an eraser.
( that’s = that is; it’s = it is; what’s = what is isn’t = is not )
2. 介绍物主(物主代词的用法)
This is my pen. That’s his watch. It’s her ruler.
This isn’t your pencil sharpener. It’s Mary’s pencil sharpener.
3. 一般问句及答语
Is this your backpack? Yes, it is. ( 注意不能用 it’s ) / No, it isn’t.( = No, it’s not.)
句中有特殊动词( am; is; are; can; may )时,将特殊动词提前到句首则可;句中无特殊动词时,则应根据谓语动词形式,在句首加上 do (动词为原形)或 does (动词为 -s 形式),同时谓语动词变为原形.
This is his notebook. Is this his notebook?
She can speak English. Can she speak English?
They like comedies. Do they like comedies?
Jim has a soccer ball. Does Jim have a soccer ball?
一般问句的回答方式:一般问句用 yes 或 no 回答, 注意答语中的特殊动词应同引导问句的特殊动词一致.
Do you do your homework at 4:00? Yes, I do . / No, I don’t .
Can he play the piano? Yes, he can . / No, he can’t .
4. 不定冠词的选用:注意其后单词或字母的起首读音
a 用于辅音起首的单词或字母前; an 用于元音起首的单词或字母前
注意: hour 的起首音是元音,其前用 an ; 字母 a, e, i, o, r, h, f, l, m, n, s, x 的起首音都是元音,其前用 an . 特别注意:字母 u 的起首音是辅音,其前用 a .
例如: We usually have sports for an hour after school in the afternoon.
There is a “ u” and an “ s” in the word “ musician”.
5. 短语词组和重要句型
computer game 电子游戏 lost and found case 失物招领箱
excuse me 请问(对不起) in English 用英语
a set of keys 一串钥匙 pencil sharpener 铅笔刀
call Mary 给 Mary 打电话 call 555-1234 打 555-1234 这个电话
Please call Mary at 555-1234. 请给 Mary 打 555-1234 这个电话.
How do you spell pen ?( = Spell pen , please.) P-E-N. pen 怎样拼写? P-E-N.
Unit Three 1. 家庭成员之间的关系
Your father’s father is your grandfather. Your father’s brother is your uncle .
Her aunt’s daughter is her cousin. Her cousin’s father is her uncle .
2. 介绍人物的方式
This is my friend, Jim. And this is my mother.
These are my brothers. And those are my friends.
He is my brother. She is my cousin. They’re my friends.
(1) Mom, this is my friend, Mike. (介绍一个人)
不能用: Mom, he is my friend, Mike.
(2) Mom, these are my friends, Tom and Mike.
不用: Mom, they are my friends, Tom and Mike.
3. 名词的复数形式
可数名词有单复数两种形式.名词的复数形式一般在原形(单数)后加 -s 表示.其方式为:
( 1 )一般情况下,直接加 -s; book---books; pencil-----pencils
( 2 )用 s, x, sh, ch 结尾的,加 -es watch—watches bus---buses
( 3 )用 y 结尾的, y 之前为元音字母时,直接加 -s ; y 之前为辅音字母时,应先将 y 变为 i 再加 -es boy----boys family-----families
( 4 )用 o 结尾的词,除 Negro, hero, tomato, potato 加 -es 外,其余的都加 -s
( 5 )特殊形式: people ----- people (通常都为复数) tooth ---- teeth
4. be 的用法( am, is , are 的基本用法)
am: 只同第一人称单数 I 连用
is: 用于第三人称单数和其余任何单数形式
are: 用于第二人称单数和所有复数形式
5. 人称代词代换上文中提到的人或物的方法(主格的使用)
代换上文中提到的人或物时,常使用人称代词的主格形式,代换方式为:代换单数名词时,用 he (男性), she (女性)和 it (物);代换复数名词时,都用 they .
6. 短语词组和重要句型
Thanks for 因.而感谢 Tom’s family tree Tom 的家谱图
a photo of my family = my family photo 我的全家福
Here is my math book. And here are my pencils.
( 注: here be 句型中 be 的形式应根据其后的名词形式判定 )
Unit Four 1 .说明物体的处所(介词词组的使用)
My pen is in my pencil case. 我的钢笔在我的铅笔盒里.
The keys are on the table. 钥匙在桌子上.
Is your pencil in your bag? Yes, it is. 你的铅笔在你的书包里吗? 在.
Are the books on the bookcase? No, they aren’t. 那些书在书橱上吗? 不在.
Where is my notebook? It’s on your table. 我的笔记本在哪儿?在你的书桌上.
Where are the apples? They’re in the bag. 苹果在哪儿?在口袋里.
注:作主语的名词前应有限定词,如无限定词,则加 the
2. 介词词组的结构: “介词 + 限定词 + 名词”
in my backpack 在我的背包里 on the sofa 在沙发上
under the bed 在床下 on the floor 在地板上
注意:使用介词词组时,介词和名词之间应有限定词(固定短语例外),无限定词,则加 the
under the table/ under your table 不能用 under table
3. 短语词组和重要句型
Please take these things to your sister. 请把这些东西带给你的姐姐.
Can you bring some things to school? 你能带一些东西到学校来吗?
I need my notebook and a pen. 我需要我的笔记本和一支钢笔.
Sorry, I don’t know. 对不起,我不知道.