作业帮 > 综合 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/13 22:37:59
(1)Allow foreign investment in the country to invest in the field of law
(2)By the commission in writing of its invested enterprises (unanimously adopted by the Board), to its investment companies to provide the following services: 1, assisted or represented companies they invest in the business for personal use from domestic and foreign purchases of machinery and equipment, office equipment and production required raw materials, components, parts and sales in domestic and foreign invested enterprises in the production of its products, and provide after-sales service; (see details in points 2-6 approval certificate)
(3) the establishment of research and development in China centers or departments, engaged in new products and high-tech research and development, transfer of its research and development results, and provide technical services;
再问: 帮忙翻译完啊,难度确实不小
再答: 谷歌翻译额····仅供参考哈 (D) provide advisory services to its investors, its associated companies and their investment-related market information, investment policy advisory services; (E) to undertake its parent and affiliated companies outsourcing business. (F) to agents, distributors or establishing export purchasing institution (including internal institution) exports of domestic goods, and according to relevant provisions of the export tax rebate; (G) to purchase the investment in the production of products sold at home and abroad after system integration, such as the production of investment products can not fully meet the needs of system integration, allowing its integration in the domestic and international procurement systems supporting the product, but the purchase of systems integration supporting the value of the product should not exceed the value of systems integration required for 50% of all products; ......... (H) products for its domestic business investment dealers, agents and investment company with its parent or its affiliates has signed technology transfer agreements of domestic companies and enterprises to provide relevant technical training; (Ix) investment in its business operation before they invest in new product or pre-production, market development for the product, allowing imports from its parent company investment company investment company with its parent company, related products produced product test marketing in the country; can be entrusted to other production / processing of the product or its parent company and its products in domestic and foreign sales (X) for its investment business machines and office equipment to provide operating leasing services, cargo legally established operating Zuling Gong Division. (Xi) to provide after-sales service for its imports.