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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/01 19:46:17
  金沙遗址(12张)  在出土的金器中,有金面具、金带、圆形金饰、喇叭形金饰等30多件,其中金面具与广汉三星堆的青铜面具在造型风格上基本一致,其他各类金饰则为金沙特有.玉器种类繁多,且十分精美,其中最大的一件是高约22厘米的玉琮,颜色为翡翠绿,雕工极其精细,表面有细若发丝的微刻花纹和一人形图案,堪称国宝,其造型风格与良渚文化的完全一致.出土的400多件青铜器主要以小型器物为主,有铜立人像、铜瑗、铜戈、铜铃等,其中铜立人像与三星堆出土的青铜立人像相差无几.石器有170件,包括石人、石虎、石蛇、石龟等,是四川迄今发现的年代最早、最精美的石器.金沙遗址是四川省继广汉三星堆之后最为重大的考古发现之一.经统计,遗址所清理出的珍贵文物多达千余件,包括:金器30余件、玉器和铜器各400余件、石器170件、象牙器40余件,出土象牙总重量近一吨,此外还有大量的陶器出土.从文物时代看,绝大部分约为商代(约公元前17世纪初—公元前11世纪)晚期和西周(约公元前11世纪—公元前771年)早期,少部分为春秋时期(公元前770年—公元前476年).而且,随着发掘的进展,不排除还有重大发现的可能.金沙遗址的发掘,对研究古蜀历史文化具有极其重要的意义.成都有文字可考的建城历史最早可追溯到张仪筑成都城的战国晚期.金沙遗址所提示的是以往文献中完全没有的珍贵材料,将改写成都历史和四川古代史.
  是为保护、研究、展示金沙遗址及出土文物而设立的主题公园式博物馆,占地面积30万平方米,总建筑面积约38000平方米.由遗迹馆、陈列馆、文物保护中心和园林区等部分组成.   金沙遗址博物馆位于成都平原的东南边缘地带,东距成都市中心约5公里,现已探明的遗址面积约5平方公里,遗址范围地势平坦,起伏较小,遗址内及周围河流较多,遗址的南面1.5公里处是清水河,摸底河更是在遗址内蜿蜒东流,将遗址分为南北两半.自2001年以来进行了考古发掘,发掘面积达10余万平方米,发现各类遗迹3000余个,又出土了大量的珍贵文物.考古工作者根据考古学对遗址命名的基本原则,将包括黄忠村在内的这一区域的商、周时期遗址统一命名为“金沙遗址”.
  译文:The site is located in the western suburbs of the city of Qingyang District of Chengdu Jinsha road.The Jinsha site in twenty-first Century is China the first major archaeological discovery, in 2006 was named the national key cultural relics protection units."The site" is the laborer in excavation of Sichuan style Garden Street site when first discovered, sleeping in 3000 after being uncovered, "up shaking".The sun bird ring is very beautiful.From the ruins of Sanxingdui 50 km, the culture that is in about 1250 to 650 in 1000, before the more prosperous.The culture and Sanxingdui relics are similar, but without walls, is approximately equal to the Sanxingdui culture in the last period, the ancient Shu a political center.
  During the period of cultural relics
  The Jinsha site (12) in the unearthed gold, gold, gold, gold mask with circular, trumpet gold and more than 30 pieces, wherein the golden mask and Guanghan Sanxingdui bronze mask in the style is consistent, other types of gold is unique to sands.The jade variety, and very beautiful, one of the biggest one is about 22 cm high jade Cong, color is emerald green, carver is extremely fine, thin hair surface if the microlithographic patterns and a human figure pattern, is a national treasure, the style and culture of exactly the same.Unearthed more than 400 pieces of bronze mainly small artifacts, copper, copper, bronze standing figure yuan Ge, bells, in which copper standing figure and not much difference between the standing bronze figure unearthed in Sanxingdui.The stone has 170 Pieces, including stone, stone, stone tiger snake, turtle, is Sichuan discovered so far is the earliest, the most exquisite stone.The Jinsha site is Sichuan Province after Guanghan Sanxingdui is the one of significant archaeological discoveries.After the statistics, clearing the site up to a thousand pieces of precious cultural relics, including: more than 30 pieces of gold, jade and bronze in 400 pieces, 170 piece of stone, ivory unearthed more than 40 pieces of ivory, the total weight of nearly a ton, in addition to large quantities of pottery unearthed.From cultural relics age, mostly about the Shang Dynasty (C. seventeenth Century BC early eleventh Century BC) late and the Zhou Dynasty (ca. eleventh Century BC - 771 BC) early, little part is the spring and Autumn period (770 B.C. - 476 B.C.).Moreover, with the excavation progress, also did not rule out the possible discovery.The Jinsha site excavation, to the study of ancient Shu culture has the extremely vital significance.Chengdu recorded to build city history can be traced back to the earliest piece of instrument of Chengdu city built in the late Warring States period.The Jinsha site is indicated by previous literature in the complete absence of precious materials, will rewrite history and ancient history of Sichuan chengdu.
  The Jinsha Site Museum
  Are for the protection, research, display the Jinsha site and unearthed cultural relics and the establishment of the theme park museum, covers an area of 300000 square meters, a total construction area of about 38000 square meters.The relic Museum, museum, cultural relic protection center and garden area and other parts.The Jinsha Site Museum is located on the southeastern margin of Chengdu Plain, East is apart from the Chengdu City Center about 5 kilometers, now already ascertain the site area of about 5 square kilometers, site area is flat, and the smaller, sites in and around the river more, site 1.5 km south of Qingshui River, clear River is in inside the ruins of meandering river flows, will the site is divided into North and South in two.Since 2001 the archaeological excavation, excavation area of more than 10 square meters, find all kinds of sites for more than 3000 months, and unearthed a large number of precious relics.According to the archaeological ruins archaeology worker on the basic principles of the nomenclature, will include Huang Zhong village, a regional business, week period site unified named "Jinsha ruins".