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这是英语作文题目 我都看不懂 但是必须要写 各位老师帮帮忙啊 明天就要交作业

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:语文作业 时间:2024/06/28 08:51:35
这是英语作文题目 我都看不懂 但是必须要写 各位老师帮帮忙啊 明天就要交作业


再问: 那么该从哪这方面写呢
再答: 首先可以选择写学习方面的,比如说你的某一门成绩不好,但是你下定决心要提高成绩,写出你要做的措施还有表达你坚定的决心就可以了。另外还可以写议论式的,论据可以是一些名人,如海伦凯勒那些,然后最后结尾可以谈到自己要学习他们的那种坚定不移的毅力。这是我的想法,可做参考。
再问: 谢谢啊
再问: 可以提供范文给我借鉴吗
再答: Nothing is impossible to a willing heart 。 today, the final exam results come out. I asked my mother, "MOM! examinatio ns for them?" Mother gas gusts to answ er "you have 91 mathematics, language s, the results in the afternoon. "At this point I was very sad, I said to myself: w here a mistake? I have checked! all the mistakes. Just when I was sad and disc ouraged, suddenly thought of the teach er's words: "one thing, when you do, pl ease don't nover discouraged, as long a s there is perseverance, confidence and determination, Nothing is impossible to a willing heart! you will make, do well. Think of this sentence, I am not sad, bu t not discouraged, but rather brave face the facts. I made up my mind, summer vacation, I would like to read, on full m arks for the next semester!