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阅读理解.      Mike's father is ill.His moth

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 19:41:52
     Mike's father is ill.His mother must look after him at home.So she says to her son,"Go to the
hospital,and ask a doctor to come here,Mike."
    "OK,"says the boy."But where is the hospital?"
    "In the town." Answers his mother.
    Then Mike leaves (离开) his house.He gets to a fork.He doesn't know if he must turn to the left
or right.He stands there.Just then a farmer drives a car and come.
    "How far is the town from here?" asks Mike.
    "Not very far.It's only about ten minutes' walk." answers the farmer.
    "May I go with you?"
    "Thank you very much." Mike is happy and gets in the car.
    Several minutes later,the car doesn't get to the town.Mike asks again:"How far is it from here?"
    "Well,sorry young boy,the car is going in the opposite (相反的) direction (方向)."
(     )1.Mike's father is in the hospital.
(     )2.The hospital is in the town.
(     )3.The farmer drives Mike to the hospital.
(     )4.Mike's mother must look after his father at home.
(     )5.Mike stops at the fork.
6.Mike must ask a doctor to come because ____.
A.his father is busy
B.his mother must look after his father
C.he often goes there
7.____,so he stops at the fork.
A.Mike wants to have a rest
B.Mike doesn't know how to get to the town
C.Mike wants to wait for a car
8.Mike is happy because ____.
A.the farmer takes him to the town
B.he can drive a car
C.his father feels better now
9.What's the meaning of"fork"in this passage?   
10.Mike can't go to the town soon because ____.
A.the car is broken
B.the car goes very fast
C.the car is going in the opposite direction
1-5 FTTTT 6-10 BBABC