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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 17:03:07
Dear editor,
I‘m writing to tell you about the food.Several days ago,my neighbor family ate something bad from the market.After the meal,they had stomachaches and immediately called the ambulance.It carried them quickly to hospital.After several hours,theywere saved.Form this all us have realizedthe importance of food safety.And i do hope the whole society shall begin doing something to protect people's life safety.
Yours li hua
只限今晚 因为明天就要交了 急 等
Dear li hua,
I,m sorry to hear that.We need to pay our attention on many things as follows. You had better not eat wine prawn and preserved crab, etc .you should keep the frozen food fresh and animal food must be heated totally before having it, so is the leftover meal. Through that we should take more care to food health. Just take it serious because it related to personal security of people .I want the whole society and all the people in catering industry pay attention to the importance of food health.I sincerely hope that your neighbor family could get better!
初三英语英语作文假如你是一所国际学校办英文杂志的学生编辑.你看了下面这封信后,也想写一篇关于该信的读后感,内容要点包括: 假如你是南洋国际学校的一名学生,请用英语为学校写一篇关于“节约粮食,杜绝浪费”的倡议书.要点包括: 英语作文.速求.假如你是南洋国际学校的一名学生,请用英语为校报写一篇关于“节约粮食,杜绝浪费”的倡议书.要点包括1.你身 英语作文速求答案!假如你是南洋国际学校的一名学生,请用英语为校报写一篇关于“节约粮食,杜绝浪费”的倡议书.要点包括1.你 求一篇英语作文,急用!写一篇100词左右的建议信.内容:假如你是某报社编辑,昨天收到一位学生的来信.根据提示用英语写一封 求一篇英语作文.假如你是某初三学生李华,请你用英语写一篇关于远离网络谣言的短文.内容包括:1.网络谣言的危害 2.打击网 (1/3)英语作文:假如你是班长李华,请写一封信给美籍老师Mr johnson.信的内容包括如下要点:1:对上个... 急求一篇英语作文,假如你是李华,是英文杂志Students一档栏目的主持人.最近你收到读者刘伟的一封求助信,信中他提到经 一篇英语作文~假如你是Mr Knowledgeable,请根据下面信的内容,给Lisa回一封信,提出你的建议.信的开头已 帮忙写一篇英语作文一百二十字左右,假定你是某国际学校的一名高三学生,你打算竞选班长,请根据以下要点用英语写一篇演讲稿:1 初三英语作文.假设你是九年级学生,给某英语报的编辑写一封书信,诉说你的烦恼,并请求帮助.内容如下. 假设你是名初三毕业生,考上了理想的学校。今天是开学第一天,请你根据下表所列的 内容要点,用英语写一篇日记,写下这一天的感