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请帮忙翻译成英文 尽量接近大学水平 谢谢了噢

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 00:15:11
请帮忙翻译成英文 尽量接近大学水平 谢谢了噢
陈翔出生于1989年12月13号,他就读于四川音乐学院绵阳艺术学院现代艺术系08级音乐表演班,他喜欢打球,弹吉他.他积极上进,善良,坚强,执着,永不放弃,敢于为梦想奋斗. 2010快乐男声8进7比赛,当晚陈翔左耳带着耳塞,仍然坚强的站上了这个舞台.尽管由于突发的身体不适,给当晚陈翔的表演造成了一些影响,但仍没能阻挡他进军全国七强的脚步.比赛刚结束,周六一早陈翔便在工作人员的陪同下再次来到医院进行复查经过医生的仔细检查、问询,医生明确表示,陈翔的耳朵并没有任何功能上的损伤,可能还是因为之前的鼻炎以及前段时间的休息不够,身体本体的抵抗力下降等诱因,导致了这次突发的神经性耳鸣,医生给陈翔开了注射用药以及平时的口服药后,再三叮嘱一定要注意休息,休息好了耳鸣状况是会得到缓解的,陈翔本人也表示一定会听医生的话,积极配合治疗.对于大家一直关注的是否会因为生病退出比赛一事,陈翔非常肯定的说,我一定会坚持下去.我之所以喜欢陈翔是因为他敢于为梦想奋斗,每个人都有自己的梦想,不同的是,有人会为自己的梦想付出行动,有人只是嘴上说说.在大学生活中,我希望每个人都能为了自己的理想去努力奋斗,哪怕失败也不要气馁,努力过我们就是最棒的、
ChenXiang was born in December 1989, 13, he enrolled in sichuan music college mianyang modern art college music performing arts 08 grade class, he likes to play guitar. He self-motivated, good, strong, persistence, never give up, dares to dream. A wide-ranging into 7 8 happy 2010 games, that night ChenXiang left ear with earplugs, still strong website this stage. Although the sudden body unwell, give that night ChenXiang performance caused some effect, but still can't stop him into the national 7 strong steps. Game on Saturday morning, just after the ChenXiang upon the staff is accompanied by again came to the hospital for review by the doctor's check carefully, further information, the doctor made it clear that ChenXiang ears and without any function of damage, it might be because of rhinitis and paragraph time before the rest is insufficient, the body of ontologies resistance reduction of incentives, and led to this sudden neuropathic tinnitus, the doctor gave ChenXiangKai the injection and the usual orally, urges must pay attention to rest, rest well tinnitus conditions are often mitigated, ChenXiang I also says will listen to the doctor's words, and actively cooperate with treatment. For you have been concerned whether it will drop out of the race because of illness related, ChenXiang very sure that I will insist on. The reason that I like ChenXiang because he dared to dream, each people all have own dream, the difference is that someone will bring their own dreams action, someone just says on. In university life, I hope everyone can for their own ideal to struggle, even defeat also don't be discouraged, the efforts we are the best,