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英语翻译Americans do not give cooking ,"considered as one of the

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/15 00:37:04
Americans do not give cooking ,"considered as one of the fine arts".an important place in life ,Lunch is for them a kind of tip paid to the body ,They hurriedly toss it a fruit a fish and go back to work.Certain writers ,in rebellion have foundedthe club ,"Three Hours for lLunch".but they are an pleasing exception ,Even at dinner ,general conversation is rare .Everyone talks to his neighbour ,After dinner the men linger at table ,a custom inherited from England ,In New York you host will often suggest taking you to the theatre,or else he will provide a paint ,a singer ,a lecture ,The idea of leaving the guests to themselves ,and expecting them to get pleasure out of meeting one another ,astonisnes and even shocks him deeply ,His extreme modesty does not permit his imagining that his friends can be happy only in being in his house ,with one anther ,He treats them like children,On Christams Eve you will see ,in some of the pleasant homes in New Youk,Christmas trees for grown people ,In other places ,after a dinner at which you exchange ideas ,there will be a magician who will do his best to amuse the old people .There you must realize that the absence of conversation in American homes comes not from absence of ideas or lack of intelligence ,but from shyness and a self-distrust.
美国人不给做饭, “视为一个美术” .重要的位置,在生活中,午餐对他们来说是一种提示支付给机构,他们赶紧抛了水果和鱼回去工作.某些作家,在叛乱已foundedthe俱乐部, “三个小时lLunch ” .但他们是一个令人高兴的例外,甚至在晚宴上,一般的交谈是罕见的.大家说他的邻居,饭后男子徘徊在饭桌上,一个自定义继承自英国,在纽约你东道国往往会建议您采取的剧院,否则他将提供一个油漆,歌手,演讲的想法离开自己的客人,并期望他们能愉快的一个会议, astonisnes甚至冲击了深刻的,他的极端谦虚不允许他以为他的朋友们可高兴的是只有在他的房子,有一个花药,他对待他们喜欢儿童, Christams除夕你会看到,在一些舒适的居所在新Youk ,圣诞树的增长人,在其他地方,晚餐后,您交换意见,将有魔术师谁将尽最大努力逗老人.在那里,您必须认识到,如果没有美国家庭的谈话并非来自没有想法或缺乏智慧,而是来自害羞和自我信任.