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英语翻译《修女也疯狂》英文影评(带中文翻译) 100词左右就好拉 今晚的英语作业

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 03:36:42
《修女也疯狂》英文影评(带中文翻译) 100词左右就好拉 今晚的英语作业
修女也疯狂:《修女也疯狂》传统与现实的抨击 当人们对风花雪月的爱情故事厌烦时,当人们对眼花缭乱的科幻电影反胃时,好莱坞这台造钱机器又开始寻觅新的调侃对象,不幸,庄严肃穆的宗教似乎成了新的票房奇迹. 不能不说电影在逻辑上存在着致命的错误(有哪个SB黑社会老大会在杀人后和女友说着些不着边际的P话?),但导演既然有勇气将教堂的静谧气氛变得如此光怪陆离,必定在其他方面有过人的造诣. 对,就是导演将镜头对准了街头青年的那种缺乏信仰,缺乏方向的美国平民.在金钱的世界里,道德似乎成为了人们赚钱、放肆生活的绊脚石,面对教堂的圣母和耶稣,我们不再和上帝倾诉自己的原罪. 这就是当今社会对于信仰的冲击,当嬷嬷用一种充满圣洁口吻的语气说出自己向往做一名修女时,冥冥中,曾经毫不情愿躲在修女院的戴纳斯也禁不住有了些许的感动. 禁锢在上帝周围的修女们,也向往着墙外的花花世界,但我总觉得,让如此单纯的修女们接受这个世界,似乎太仓促了.望着那个胖修女天真而又毫无顾忌的大笑、在酒吧自恋般地翩翩起舞,我衷心地希望,自己也能有她那样纯真般的思想. 我们自己可能永远也做不到像她那样的innocence,因为这世界在变,上帝要接纳善良的牧羊,不能依赖以往那深不见底的教堂的神圣氛围,只有打开大门,才能吸纳那早已脱壳的灵魂,才能救赎早已枯泽的心灵. 其实改变自己很容易,改变的过程也不像自己想像的如此不堪忍受,当修女们剪断铁丝网,擦去墙上那些涂鸦时,我们关注的还是孩子们那灵动的笑容;义务为孩子们建立一个托儿所,是让孩子们感受上帝那博大仁慈的爱. 也许有人认为用酒吧歌手式的唱歌方式是对上帝、对信仰的亵渎,但在这个功利的社会,又有谁会在乎毫无生气的修女合唱团那古怪的、甚至是难听的颂歌?改变,也许,就会让我们多一些虔诚的信徒.看,当崭新的修女合唱队高歌《I will follow him》时,那教堂,充满了生气和阳光,这,才是上帝所需要的. 美国是一个信仰基督的国家,即使十恶不赦的暴徒,也不敢枪杀一位身穿修女服的假修女,这就是道德的约束,在这样的喜剧电影中,美国人似乎也不忘作一次最最朴质的教育.当一群修女围住一名机师请求送往拉斯维加斯,并用那虔诚的祈祷来感化他时,除了搞笑,似乎更有些什么深层次的东西.也正是由于这些东西的存在,本片没有成为无里头电影. 很佩服whoopi goldberg,演技出众,歌声也真的很美妙,她的嗓音真正诠释了酒吧女郎的那种俏皮和性感,而片末的 I will follow him在大气的同时,也有那么些许颂歌的味道,正是这种传统与现实的妥协与融合,造就了这张原声大碟的成功.在钢琴,小提琴这些古典乐器中,仿佛音乐与信仰,一起在这部电影中得到了人们的敬仰,得到了人们最最真诚的感悟,在这物化的世界,获得了重生. Sister Act: "Sister Act" traditional and realistic criticism When people are tired of romantic love story, when people are nausea dazzling sci-fi movie, the Hollywood money machine which began to laugh looking for a new object, unfortunately, seems to be solemn religious miracle of a new box office. Must say that the film there is a fatal logic error (with which SB triad old girlfriend, the General Assembly after the killings and spoke those words not to the point of the P?), But the director since the quiet atmosphere of the church have the courage to become so bizarre, certainly in other areas, has his attainments. Yes, that directors will be the camera turned to the kind of street youth's lack of faith, lack of direction of American civilians. In the money world, the moral seems to be the people to make money, wanton life of a stumbling block, facing the church of Our Lady and Jesus, we no longer talk with his own original sin and God. This is the impact of today's community of faith, when the wet nurse in a tone filled with holy tone express my desire to do, when a nun, somewhere, hiding in the convent was not willing to wear Nass can not help but have a little moved. Detained in God around the nuns, but also aspire to the wall of the fast-paced world, but I always feel so so simple sisters to accept this world, seems to be too hasty in. Looking at that fat nun nave but unashamed laughter, dancing in the bar camel, narcissistic, I sincerely hope that I could be there as pure as she thought. We ourselves may never be done like her innocence, because this world is changing, God, to accept the good shepherd, can not rely on the past, that bottomless sacred atmosphere of the church, and only open the door in order to attract those already shelling the soul in order to redeem long dry Ze hearts and minds. In fact, he is very easy to change, to change their thought process is not so intolerable, when the nuns cut barbed wire, wiped on the wall are graffiti, we are still concerned about the children that facial smile; obligation to the children to establish a nursery is to allow children to experience God's merciful love that broad. Some may think that singers with bar-style way of singing to God, for faith, blasphemy, but in this materialistic society, there are no angry nuns who care about that weird choir, or even ugly carols? Changes, and perhaps, it will give us more devout believers. See, when the new chorus of nuns singing "I will follow him", that's the church, full of vitality and sunshine, which is what God needs. The United States is a Christian country of faith, even if the heinous thugs, dressed in a nun shot to death did not dare wear the false nun, and this is a moral constraints, in such comedy films, Americans seem to have forgotten to make a far the most primitive education. When surrounded by a group of nuns a request sent to the pilots in Las Vegas, and use that devout prayer to his probation, in addition to comedy, what seemed to be more deep-rooted thing. It is due to the existence of these things the film did not become free inside the film. Very much admired whoopi goldberg, outstanding acting, singing is also really wonderful, her voice the true interpretation of the bar girl, the kind of cute and sexy, while the film at the end of I will follow him in the atmosphere at the same time, there are also a little ode to taste, It is this tradition and the reality of compromise and integration, has created this soundtrack's success. In the piano, violin in the classical instruments, as if music and faith, together in the movie to get people's admiration, has been far the most genuine people's insights, in this materialized world, won the rebirth.