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英语翻译Morning on the LièvreFar above us where a jay Screams hi

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 17:09:44
Morning on the Lièvre
Far above us where a jay
Screams his matins to the day,
Capped with gold and amethyst,
Like a vapor from the forge
Of a giant somewhere hid,
Out of hearing of the clang
Of his hammer,skirts of mist
Slowly up the woody gorge
Lift and hang.
Softly as a cloud we go,
Sky above and sky below,
Down the river; and the dip
Of the paddles scarcely breaks,
With the little silvery drip
Of the water as it shakes
From the blades,the crystal deep
Of the silence of the morn,
Of the forest yet asleep;
And the river reaches borne
In a mirror,purple gray,
Sheer away
To the misty line of light,
Where the forest and the stream
In the shadow meet and plight,
Like a dream.
From amid a stretch of reeds,
Where the lazy river sucks
All the water as it bleeds
From a little curling creek,
And the muskrats peer and sneak
In around the sunken wrecks
Of a tree that swept the skies
Long ago,
On a sudden seven ducks
With a splashy rustle rise,
Stretching out their seven necks,
One before,and two behind,
And the others all arow,
And as steady as the wind
With a swivelling whistle go,
Through the purple shadow led,
Till we only hear their whir
In behind a rocky spur,
Just ahead.
Archibald Lampman
在Lièvre上早晨 一在哪里远上述我们松鸦大声喊叫他的向白天,盖住有的金子和紫晶申正经喜欢从某处隐匿的从听见出来锻炉的一巨人一蒸汽的发出叮?声的他的敲城郊的变得模糊缓慢向上的移动树木茂盛的狼吞虎咽抬起和悬挂.柔和作为一云我们尝试,顺河流而下在上方的天空和下面天空; 短桨的浸泡简直没有使水晶深处改掉早晨的森林的安静还,用小银色滴水声的水阿斯它从叶片摇动平静;河流离开去了光,那里在阴影集会和状态中像a森林和溪流做梦的模糊线完全达到带着在朝派一镜子,紫的灰色 .从在之中a延伸出去的芦苇地方懒惰河流吮吸所有的流泪某样的人它流血从一点卷曲小湾和麝鼠地位相等和悄悄走在朝派四周沉没船难的a树那个扫过天空很久以前突然七鸭用a容易溅起水的发出沙沙响声升起延伸出去在野派他们的七脖子一以前的事物和二在后面和其他的所有的成列地和某样的人固定的异性朋友某样的人蜿蜒用a旋转发出嘘啸的声音经历紫色阴影带领直到我们仅有听见他们的呼呼作响在一向前公正岩石的马刺后面在朝派.阿切博尔德Lampman