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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 19:29:26
1. back down / off:后退,退缩,让步
  They are too proud to back down and admit mistakes. 他们那么骄傲,才不会让步认错呢.
  2. back up:倒车;支持
  Tony is always ready to back up his friends. 托尼一贯乐于支持他的朋友.
  3. bring about:引起,造成;产生
  What has brought about the misunderstanding between them? 他们之间的误会是怎么产生的?
  4. bring out:使发挥,使显出;出版
  The publishing house has brought out an entirely new edition of the dictionary. 出版社出版了这本词典的全新版本.
  5. bring up:提出问题;抚养
  At the meeting next morning, they brought up many problems. 在翌日早上的会议上,他们提出了许多问题.
  6. carry on:继续进行,坚持下去
  They carried on the discussion late into the night. 他们一直讨论到深夜.
  7. carry out:执行;实现
  We shall carry out the plan as soon as we can. 我们要尽早把计划付诸实施.
  8. come across:偶然遇见
  When I was reading the newspaper,I came across a very interesting article on swimming. 我看报的时候,见到一篇很有趣的谈游泳的文章.
  9. come on:进步;开始;上演
  She is coming on well and will be out of the hospital tomorrow. 她身体在好起来,明天要出院了.
  10. come out:出版;透露;结果是
  His book on China's economic problems will come out next month. 他写的关于中国经济问题的书将于下月出版.
  11. come through:活下来;成功
  He was happy to have come through the examination. 他很高兴能够成功地通过考试.
  12. come up with:赶上;提出
  1)The horseman soon came up with the cyclists. 骑马的人很快赶上了骑车的人.
  2)The technicians and workers have come up with new methods to increase production.技术员和工人们共同提出了增产的新办法.
  13. cut back: 减少;截短
  They cut back on production during the power cuts. 他们在停电期间缩减生产.
  14. cut down:削减;砍倒;砍伤
  This article is too long. You have to cut it down to 3,000 words. 文章太长,你得把它压缩到三千字.
  15. cut in:插话
  Don't cut in while I'm explaining my idea. 在我解释我的想法时,你不要插嘴.
  16. cut off:切断;使隔绝
  After the storm, we cut off the damaged branches. 暴风雨过后,我们把损坏的树枝砍掉了.
  17. cut out:切掉,去掉;裁剪;停止,放弃
  Cut out the talking and get back to work. 别再闲聊了,继续工作吧.
  18. die out:逐渐消失;灭绝
  Many old customs are gradually dying out. 许多旧习俗在渐渐消失.
  19. fall behind:落在.之后
  My brother played too much and fell behind his classmates. 我的弟弟太贪玩,功课落在了同学后面.
  20. fall out:吵架;结果
  1) When we were children, we fell out several times a day. 我们小的时候,一天要吵好几次.
  2) Things fell out as we had expected. 事情的结果和我们预料的一样.
  21. fall through:失败
  We're not going to make the experiment after all-the whole thing's fallen through. 反正我们不准备搞这个实验了--整个事情已经全盘失败了.
  22. get away:跑掉,逃脱
  The spy tried to get away, but was caught and sent back. 特务想逃跑,可是被逮住送回来了.
  23. get in:进入;收割
  1)He invited us to get in the car and go for a ride with him. 他请我们上车,陪他乘车一游.
  2)The farmers were busy getting in the crops. 农民们正忙于收割庄稼.
  24. get together:召集
  I'd like you to get the staff together, please. 我想请你去召集全体工作人员.
  25. get up:起床;组织活动
  1) The children at the kindergarten get up at seven every morning. 那个幼儿园的孩子们每天早上7点起床.
  2) We're getting up a dance. 我们要举行舞会.
  26. get across:(观点等)被理解
  The idea got across to him. 这个主意被他接受了.
  27. get along:进展;相处融洽
  Nations should get along with each other. 各国应和睦相处.
  28. get at:查明;够得着
  The purpose of the present investigation is to get at the truth of the matter. 这次调查的目的在于查明事情的真相.
  29. get by:通过;(勉强)过活
  1) The crowd moved aside to let the firemen get by. 人群退向一边,让消防人员通过.
  2) She can't get by on such a small income. 她无法靠这一点收入过活.
  30. get down to:静下心工作
  I really must get down to my studies. 我真的必须开始抓紧自己的学习了.
  31. get on with:进展;与.相处融洽
  He is a pleasant, friendly man who gets on well with everybody. 他和蔼可亲,和每一个人都相处得很好.
  32. get out of:离开;避免
  1) I'm going to get out of New York. 我将离开纽约.
  2) You should get out of that bad habit. 你应该放弃那种坏习惯.
  33. get through:做完;打通电话
  1) He got through a lot of work in a day. 他一天完成了很多工作.
  2) I phoned you several times this morning but didn't get through. 今天上午我给你打了几次电话都没打通.
  34. get around:绕道走;回避
  Don't try to get around the question by changing the subject. 别企图改变话题而回避问题.
  35. give away:赠送;泄露
  1) If you have no use for these books, I'll give them away. 这些书你如果用不着,我就送人了.
  2) The examiners have given away the answer. 考官们泄露了答案.
  36. give back:归还
  We must go to the library to give back the magazines we borrowed last week. 我们必须去图书馆归还上星期借的杂志.
  37. give off:发出
  Ammonia gives off an irritating smell. 氨有一股刺鼻的臭味.
  38. give out:分发;发出;发表;耗尽
  1) The teacher gave out the examination papers. 教师发了考卷.
  2) The firefly gives out a light as it flies. 萤火虫飞的时候发出一种光.