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英语翻译Fountain of wisdomAlbert Einstein once arrived in London

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 18:23:40
Fountain of wisdom
Albert Einstein once arrived in London carrying his violin.After greeting him,an old friend asked,“You still play the violin,Albert?”
The mathematical genius nodded and said,“Yes,but not very well.My teacher says,‘The trouble with you,Mr Einstein,is that you can’t count.’”
He knew that he had much to learn if he wanted to play the violin well.So he approached his effort with a sense of humility(谦卑),even to the point of laughing at his poor rhythm.
I heard of a hotel that has a water fountain in the lobby that is operated by an infrared(红外线的)beam of light.When a thirsty person wants a drink,he smply bends down and the water automatically turns on.There is a sign above the water cooler that reads,“Stoop and drink”.
What a marvelous parable(比喻)for a life attitude!Stoop and drink,especially when drinking from the fountain of knowledge.Like Albert Einstein,wise people know that they can only learn something new after they realize two important points:they do not yet know it all,and there are others willing to teach.It is an attitude of humility:we stoop in order to drink.
One man says,“Every person I work with knows somthing better than me.My job is to listen long enough to find it and use it.“He is not always the teacher.He stoops before his employees by listening carefully to their ideas so he might drink from their knowledge.
Every we will ever meet knows something better than us——our children and our parents,the woman who drives the bus and the receptionist who answers the telephone.Those who realize that all the world has somthing to teach will never run short of opportunity to stop and drink.And they will always be refreshed.
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一个人曾说过:“和我共事的人总会在一些事情上比我懂得更多,我的工作就是通过多听,然后找到这一点并利用它.” 他并不总是教导,他在他的雇员面前弯下腰,仔细倾听他们的创意,以便他能够从他们的知识中“喝到”水.