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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 03:11:26
Saint Lucia's Day is a Swedish traditional holiday.On December 13th,one of the shortest,darkest days in the long and cold winter,Sweden celebrates the holiday,in honor of Saint Lucia,the Queen of Lights.
On the day,girls in Sweden dress up as Santa Lucia wearing a white dress and a crown of candles. Boys carry a candle and wear a kind of white pyjama. They wear hats that are pointy with golden stars on them.
In Sweden people do not wear candles anymore because before girls caught their hair on fire very often. Today they use modern candles with batteries in them.
After lunch most schools close on Santa Lucia day around noon. It is a national holiday of Sweden.In big cities in Sweden there are beauty contests where some women dress up as Santa Lucia and the judges and the people vote for the Santa Lucia of the year.There are also special foods for Lucia's Day like spicy gingerbread biscuits.In schools people sing Santa Lucia's song.
As To Saint Lucia 关于圣·露西亚
Saint Lucia was a saint because of her kindness and her love. She was an Italian Christian who lived in Sicily in the 4th century. Some people believe she once visited Sweden.
The way she became a saint was that a man loved her but Lucia didn't like him. Lucia's mother asked her to marry the man but she refused,so the man said he would burn her.But Lucia prayed to God to have the power to survive the fire. Because of her kindness her wish was granted. The man then got a sword and stuck it into Lucia's throat.
There is also another story for her being a saint which goes like this.
Saint Lucia was a very kind person and a man loved her very much but she didn't like him. The thing the man loved most about Saint Lucia was her eyes. Then she gave him her eyes. But a miracle happened,she grew back her eyes and this time they were even more beautiful than ever. The man asked for those eyes but she refused,so the man killed her with a knife into her heart.
Song for Santa Lucia
The night goes with weighty step round yard and round earth. The sun's departure leaves the woods brooding. There in our dark house,appears with lighted candles Saint Lucia,Saint Lucia.
The night goes great and mute. Now one hears its wings in every silent room murmuring as if from wings. Look at our threshold. There she stands white-clad with lights in her hair Saint Lucia,Saint Lucia.
The darkness shall soon depart from the earth's valleys thus she speaks a wonderful word to us.The day shall rise anew from the rosy sky. Saint Lucia,Saint Lucia.
Happy Saint Lucia's Day!

Halloween is always celebrated on 31 October.
Halloween is one of the oldest celebrations in the world, dating back over 2000 years to the time of the Celts who lived in Britain
Halloween is also know by other names:
All Hallows Eve
All Hallowtide
The Feast of the Dead
The Day of the Dead
Halloween in Welsh is 'Nos Calan Gaeaf'.
Halloween is correctly spelt as Hallowe'en.
When Christianity came to England and the rest of Europe, 1 November became All Saints Day - a day dedicated to all those saints who didn't have a special day of their own. They performed a mass called 'All hallows mass' and the night before became known as All Hallows E'en and eventually Hallowe'en or Halloween.
When the Romans conquered England, they merged Samhain with their own festivals, a harvest festival called Poloma, and a celebration for the dead called Feralia.
In Mexico, they celebrate El Dia de los Muertos or the Day of the Dead starting the evening of October 31.
It is thought that the colours orange and black became Halloween colours because orange is associated with harvests (Halloween marks the end of harvest) and black is associated with death.
Black cats were originally believed to protect witches' powers from negative forces.
A pumpkin is really a squash, and comes from the same family as the cucumber.
About 99% of pumpkins sold are used as Jack O' Lanterns at Halloween.
The biggest pumpkin in the world tipped the scales at a whopping 1,446 pounds. This gigantic gourd was weighed in October 2004 at a pumpkin festival in Port Elgin, Ontario, Canada.
The record for the fastest pumpkin carver in the world is Jerry Ayers of Baltimore, Ohio. He carved a pumpkin in just 37 seconds!
The very first jack o' lantern was made out of hollowed out turnips.
Ringing a bell scares evil spirits away.
If you see a spider on this night, it could be the spirit of a dead loved one who is watching you.
To meet a witch, put your clothes on inside out and walk backwards on Halloween night.
Top Tips for Halloween
If your pumpkin lanternshrivels up, you can restore it by soaking it overnight in water to re hydrateit.
Paddington Bear, one of Britain's favourite children's fictional characters, is celebrating his 50th birthday this year. From his humble origins as a homeless immigrant at a London railway station, Paddington has gone on to sell over 30 million books in 30 different languages.
According to the first story, the bear was discovered at Paddington Station sitting on a battered suitcase bearing the label "Wanted on Voyage". There was a note attached to his coat which said "Please look after this bear". It transpires that Paddington Bear had been sent from the South American country of Peru by his aunt.
A family called the Browns were at the station to meet their daughter when they noticed Paddington. They decided to take him in. Because he didn't know how old he was, he decided to give himself two birthdays a year!
Paddington wears a distinctive outfit: a blue duffle coat and a shapeless hat; sometimes he's shown wearing Wellington boots, though this was a later addition to his attire. He also has a very special diet which consists mainly of marmalade sandwiches and cocoa.
Paddington Bear was the brainchild of Michael Bond, who came up with the character after seeing a teddy bear alone in a shop near Paddington Station. He felt sorry for it and bought the toy for his wife for Christmas and set about writing the first book. Many more stories followed as well as a TV series and a film, which is now in the pipeline.
Although he is just a children's character, Paddington Bear has recently attracted controversy. He appeared in advertisements eating sandwiches containing not marmalade but Marmite, a British sandwich spread made from yeast extract. Purists argue that Paddington would never eat anything other than marmalade sandwiches.
However, all arguments will be forgotten as fans get together to wish Paddington Bear a happy 50th birthday.
“神秘”的英国银行假期 Bank of England
Sometimes when we are in Britain, we see on the notices at the scenic spots' doors that the spots close on Bank Holidays and Public Holidays. We know what public holidays are. They are like our Chinese national holiday, New Year's Day, etc. But bank holidays are absolutely unique in Britain. What are they actually?
Bank holidays are holidays authorized by law. They can be known as public holidays, because employees don't need to work when these two holidays come. The name bank holiday means when banks close, there is no trading in the area, and people can have a rest.
Bank holidays were first introduced by the Bank Holidays Act of 1871. It designated different bank holidays for each part of Britain. Most of the holidays are the same, but we can still find out the difference.
There are 8 bank holidays in England and Wales:
New Year's Day
Easter Monday
Good Friday
Early May Bank Holiday
Spring Bank Holiday
Summer Bank holiday
Christmas Day
Boxing Day
Among these holidays, Good Friday and Christmas Day are traditional holidays; they are not specified by law but commonly recognized, therefore they were not included in the Act of 1871.
Scotland also has 8 bank holidays:
New Year's Day
2nd January
Good Friday
Early May Bank Holiday
Spring Bank Holiday
St Andrew's Day
Christmas Day
Boxing Day
2nd January was included to be an additional bank holiday in Scotland In 1973. It was according to the 1971 Act. We say the 1971 Act instead of the Act of 1871, because the latter one was repealed 100 years later. Yet, its provisions wereincorporated into the Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971. The new Act remains the statutory basis for bank holidays. Since then, when government creates a new bank holiday, the 1971 Act should be taken into consideration.
Northern Ireland has 9 bank holidays:
New Year's Day
St Patrick's Day
Good Friday
Early May Bank Holiday
Spring Bank Holiday
Battle of the Boyne (Orangemen's Day)
Summer Bank holiday
Christmas Day
Boxing Day
St Patrick's Day (17 March) is appointed by a special Act of Parliament in 1903, while Battle of Boyne (12 July) is by the Governor of Northern Ireland in 1926. Even though England celebrates St Patrick's Day, they do not have a bank holiday on that date.
The above mentioned holidays do not fall to the same date each year. If one of the bank holidays is happened to be on a weekend, it's then changed to another day. Normally, there are several dates in lieu of the original fixed dates. British tend to spend bank holidays and public holidays respectively,
You may ask is there any difference between bank holidays and public holidays? Yes, bank holidays are legally appointed; while public holidays are customary holidays. However, British people just spend these two types of holidays as the same.
Customary, on bank holidays, banks, shops, museums and other places of interests do not open. But as the economic activities increasingly connect people's daily life and national affairs, some banks and shops still open to business on bank holidays. But Christmas Day is of course the exemption.
When we plan to travel to Britain, if in case of unexpected troubles we may have to plan our journey in the consideration of bank holidays!