作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 23:34:41
1People everywhere sat and laughed at them until the tears ran down their faces.
People ______ and _______sat and laughed at them until the tears ran down their faces.
2Fred was visiting his mother on her 95th birthday.
Fred was visiting his mother _______ she was ______ years old.
3She lives alone.
She lives ________ __________.
4 Due to the way they eat, they have a high rate of cancer and heart disease.
________ ________ the way they eat, they have a high rate of cancer and heart disease.
5 But it took her a long time to find out.
But she ______ a long time _______ out.
6 Ten years later, Tom became a strong boy and became a good swimmer, too.
Ten years later, Tom became _______a strong boy ________ a good swimmer.
7 Shy people are also good at working with others because they think more for other people.
She people also ________ ______ in working with others because they think more for other people.
8 Mark decided to go sailing in his boat with his friend Dan.
Mark _______ a ________ to go sailing in his boat with his friend Dan.
9 Once there was something wrong with a machine in a factory.
Once a machine in a factory ________ __________.
10 When parents have poor eating habits, their children usually do, too.
When parents have poor eating habits, _______ ________ their children.
11 In the computer game houses, it takes people a lot of money competing with the machines.
People _____ ______ money in competing with the machines in the computer games houses.
12 When the local police began to look for the pigs, newspaper reporters from around the country joined them.
When the local police began to look for the pigs, newspaper reporters from ________ _______ the country joined them.
13 When he first reached the island, he didn’t know what he could find in this strange place.
When he first _________ _______ the island, he didn’t know what he could find in this strange place.
14 Some dentists say that chewing sugarless gum can help take care of people’s teeth.
Some dentists say that chewing sugarless gum can help ________ ________ people’s teeth.
15 He was different from other children.
He was _______ the ______ as other children.
16 Bob is twice as old as Jack, so he is now thirty.
Jack is _______ years ________ than Bob.
17 I teach something to air hostesses.
Air hostesses ________ something _______ me.
18 The world is full of variety.
The world is ________ _________ variety.
19 To his surprise, the taste was nice.
He was ______ ______ the taste was nice.
20 Once in the area, a car s almost a must.
You _______ ______ take a car in the area.
21 But when you are joined to the Internet, there are many things you can do.
But when you are joined to the Internet, there are _________ _______ things you can do.
22 Beijing will be rainy.
There will be _______ ________ Beijing.
23 Mrs Smith and her friends worked hard and the idea was interesting to more and more people over the country.
Mrs Smith and her friends worked hard and more and more people over the country became ___________ _______ the idea.
24 But now there is a Winter Swimming Club and it has over 2,000 members.
But now there is a Winter Swimming Club and it has _________ ________ 2,000 members.
25 Before crossing the road, stop and look both ways.
Before ______ _______ the road, stop and look both ways.
26 We call this mark “watermark”.
This mark ____ ____ “watermark”.
27 They hoped the government would act quickly to conserve nature.
They hoped the government would act quickly _______ _______ to conserve nature.
28 The Komodo lizard is the world’s largest lizard.
The Komodo lizard is larger than ______ _____ lizard in the world.
29 We haven’t done anything to improve the exam system.
We have _______ _______ to improve the exam system.
30 It is much harder to do it with TV or radio advertisements.
It is much ______ ________ to do it with TV or radio advertisements.
31 He was unable to walk any more.
He ______ _______ walked.
32 The bookshelf was too heavy for Miss Green to carry.
The bookshelf was _____ heavy ______ Miss Green didn’t carry it.
33 In order to solve this population problem, China has begun a “one-child’ policy.
China has begun a “one-child” policy ______ ________ it solved this population problem.
34 He scored more goals than anyone else on his team.
He scored _______ _______ goals on his team.
35 He spent very little time at school, perhaps no more than a year in all.
It _______ _______ very little time at school, perhaps no more than a year in all.
36 A school inspector was coming to visit a school.
A school inspector was _____ a visit _____ a school.
37 Why not look at the funny side and laugh instead?
_________ ________ you look at the funny side and laugh instead?
38 Good movies are the ones that you remember and like to see another time.
Good movies are the ones that you remember and like to see ________ than _______.
39 Many public people use web blogs to express their thoughts.
Many public people use web blogs ________ ________ their thoughts.
40 I think maybe it was left on the shelf in the bedroom.
I think it _______ _____ left on the shelf in the bedroom.
41 Both my father and my mother came from towns in Mexico.
Both of _____ _______ came from towns in Mexico.
42 When Bloom was 16, he moved to London.
At the _______ _____ 16, Bloom moved to London.
43 I was born in Amsterdam and lived there for many years.
I ________ ______ in Amsterdam.
44 Nobody had ever seen such a big orange.
Nobody had ever seen _____ big ________ orange.
45 Sometimes she only sleeps for no more than four hours.
________ ________ she only sleeps for no more than four hours.
46 She bought me many presents.
She bought many presents ______ ______.
47 The winter will be full of happiness by your own hands.
The winter will be ______ ________ happiness by your own hands.
48 They all agreed with me.
They all ______ yes ________ me.
49 Beautiful flowers need pollinating.
Beautiful flowers need _______ _______ pollinated.
50 The girl smiled sweetly, so he felt very happy.
The _____ smile of the girl ______ him very happy.
51 I don’t like growing flowers. Mary doesn’t like growing flowers, either.
_______ I ______ Mary likes growing flowers.
52 Giving makes people happy, not only those who receive, but also those who give.
Giving makes people happy, ________ those who receive _______ those who give.
53 Your promises are too big, and then they won’t be able to win people’s trust.
Your promises are ______ big ___ be able to win people’s trust.
54 What a serious thing a promise is!
_________ _______ a promise is!
55 They only want to win.
They want _______ _______ to win.
56 The better you get along with others, the easier it is for you to succeed.
Get along _______ with others and that helps you succeed ______.
57 It was stuck and he couldn’t talk or breathe.
It was stuck and he could _______ talk ______ breathe.
58 What do you think of the music?
_______ do you ________ the music?
59 I am 190cm and Jenny is 190cm, too.
Jenny is ______ tall _____ I.
60 How about playing basketball with us?
________ ________ playing basketball with us?
61 Mary and Tom donated money to the poor children.
62 The rain was heavy yesterday.
It ______ _______ yesterday.
63 I hope that I can visit the moon some day.
I hope ________ _______ the moon some day.
64 Jenny’s grandmother died two years ago.
Jenny’s grandmother ______ been ______ for two weeks.
65 He can finish the work easily.
66 He got up so late that he couldn’t catch the bus.
He got up ________ ________ ________ catch the bus.
67 Walking after meals is very helpful.
_______ is very helpful _______ walk after meals.
68 Actually, we have been friends for long.
________ _______, we have been friends for long.
69 My coat is similar to yours in many ways.
Our coats have a lot _______ ________.
70 Mother takes care of you as much as possible.
Mother _______ ________ you as much as possible.
71 However, experts say that the tea does not have relation to Tibet.
However, experts say that the tea has _______ to _______ with Tibet.
72 I’m supposed to do some homework this weekend.
I _______ ________ some homework this weekend.
73 She was glad she kept her promise.
She was glad _________ ________ her promise.
74 The princess told the frog to leave.
The frog ______ told ________ leave by the princess.
75 We had a great time going on a picnic.
We _______ ________ going on a picnic.
76 I shall do whatever you please.
I shall do ______ ________ what you please.
77 I’m from China.
My _________ is _________.
78 How long is the classroom?
_________ is the _______ of the classroom?
79 I am the owner of the dictionary.
The dictionary ________ _________ me.
80 I’m looking forward to seeing her again.
I _______ ________ see her again.
答案:1 here, there 2 when, 95 3 by herself 4 Because, of 5 spent, finding 6 both, and 7 do, well
8 made, decision 9 didn’t, work 10 so, do 11 spend, much 12 all, over 13 got, to 14 look, after
15 not, same 16 fifteen, younger 17 learns, from 18 filled, with 19 surprised, at 20 have, to 21 lots, of 22 much, rain 23 interested, in 24 More, than 25 going across 26 is called 27 in order
28 any other 29 done, nothing 30 more, difficult 31 no, more 32 so, that 33 so, that 34 the, most
35 took, him 36 on, to 37 Why, don’t 38 more, once 39 for, expressing 40 may, be 41 my, parents
42 age, of 43 grew, up 44 so, an 45 At, times 46 for, me 47 filled, with 48 said, to 49 to, be 50 sweet, made 51 Neither, nor 52 both, and 53 too, to 54 How, serious 55 nothing, but 56 well, easily 57 neither, nor 58 How, like 59 as, as 60 What, about 61 Not only, but also 62 rained, heavily 63 to, visit 64 has, dead 65 easy, to 66 too late to 67 It, to 68 In, fact 69 in, common 70 looks, after 71 nothing, do 72 should, do 73 to, keep 74 was, to 75 enjoyed, ourselves 76 no. matter 77 nationality, Chinese 78 What, length 79 belongs, to 80 expect, to