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英语翻译Currently,80% of our General Managers-the people respons

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/16 12:32:29
Currently,80% of our General Managers-the people responsible for running our operations around the world-are expatriates.These individuals have worked in an average of six different countries on different continents in 10-20 years.The same is true of many other senior employees.I became an expatriate myself in 1995 when I moved from Italy,my country of origin,to the Bata Limited international office here in Canada.Communicating with managers from all over the world is a daily reality for me.
Our management development program,Elixir Vitae,identifies bright,highly motivated,well-educated individuals with an international mindset and education.We put them in a fast-track 12-to 14-month intensive training program and place them in a country of their choice.Our future expatriates visit and work in the host country two or three months before they and their families actually move there to get information about the country,the company environment,and the future job.They are our Bata international managers of the future.
In The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,Stephen R.Covey argues that all our interactions are colored by the amount of courage we have to display our feelings and convictions and the amount of consideration we have for the feelings and convictions of others.Win / win situations / transactions / international business communication occur only when we adopt a paradigm of both high courage and high consideration.We want such people for international assignments:someone who knows how to demonstrate his/her culture's positive characteristics,but who also knows how to speak positively of the strengths of the other culture,who has the skills to bridge cultural gaps once he/she encounters them,and who knows how to understand and appreciate (or at least accept) differences.
Achieving cultural competence requires more than just memorizing a list of facts about a specific country or learning its language-important though these are.Cultural competence requires learning to expect differences and having a positive attitude toward challenges and change.
Our values,priorities,and practices are shaped by the culture in which we grow up.Understanding other cultures is crucial if you want to sell your products in other countries,manage an international plant or office,or work in this country for a multinational company headquartered in another country.
This chapter focuses on cultural differences that are linked to national origin.Other kinds of diversity are discussed in Chapter 13.
As Brenda Arbelaez suggests,the successful international communicator is
• Aware that his or her preferred values and behaviors are influenced by culture and are not necessarily "right."
Currently, 80% of our General Managers-the people responsible for running our operations around the world-are expatriates. These individuals have worked in an average of six different countries on different continents in 10-20 years. The same is true of many other senior employees.
I became an expatriate myself in 1995 when I moved from Italy, my country of origin, to the Bata Limited international office here in Canada. Communicating with managers from all over the world is a daily reality for me.
当我在1995年从我的祖国意大利来到加拿大的 Bata Limited (巴塔有限公司)国际办公地点时,我也变成了一名外来雇员.与来自世界各地的经理们交谈是我每天都要面对的工作.
Our management development program, Elixir Vitae, identifies bright, highly motivated, well-educated individuals with an international mindset and education. We put them in a fast-track 12-to 14-month intensive training program and place them in a country of their choice. Our future expatriates visit and work in the host country two or three months before they and their families actually move there to get information about the country, the company environment, and the future job. They are our Bata international managers of the future.
我们的管理发展部门的人员,Elixir Vitae,会挑选一些聪明的、积极的、受过良好教育的并有着国际化头脑与知识的精英们,并将它们通过12到14个月的快速精密的训练后,放在他们自己所选择的国家的工作岗位上.我们今后的外来雇员,会在他和他的家人到达一个新国家、接触一个新的工作环境并得到一个新工作之前,先在自己的国家参观并工作2到3个月.他们将是我们公司将来的国际经理人.
In The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey argues that all our interactions are colored by the amount of courage we have to display our feelings and convictions and the amount of consideration we have for the feelings and convictions of others.Win / win situations / transactions / international business communication occur only when we adopt a paradigm of both high courage and high consideration. We want such people for international assignments: someone who knows how to demonstrate his/her culture's positive characteristics, but who also knows how to speak positively of the strengths of the other culture, who has the skills to bridge cultural gaps once he/she encounters them, and who knows how to understand and appreciate (or at least accept) differences.
在《高效人士的七个习惯》这本书中,Stephen R. Covey 说到,我们需要交流的勇气,我们要显示我们的感觉、信念并考虑我们的感受和信念.当双赢局面/业务/国际商务在交际活动中出现的时候,我们要采用一种范例,要有更多的勇气和更周全的考虑.我们希望有这样的人:知道如何证明他/她对国际文化特点的积极态度,知道如何积极的学习其他各国文化,一但遇到不同文化的人们可以弥补不同文化差距的能力,知道如何去理解和欣赏(或者至少是接受)文化之间的差异.
Achieving cultural competence requires more than just memorizing a list of facts about a specific country or learning its language-important though these are. Cultural competence requires learning to expect differences and having a positive attitude toward challenges and change.
Our values, priorities, and practices are shaped by the culture in which we grow up. Understanding other cultures is crucial if you want to sell your products in other countries, manage an international plant or office, or work in this country for a multinational company headquartered in another country.
This chapter focuses on cultural differences that are linked to national origin. Other kinds of diversity are discussed in Chapter 13.
As Brenda Arbelaez suggests, the successful international communicator is
• Aware that his or her preferred values and behaviors are influenced by culture and are not necessarily "right."
就像Brenda Arbelaez 所说的,成功的国际交流者是: