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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 17:08:17
初一下册Module 1 Lost and found M1U1 Whose bag is this?这是谁的书包?
Ms Li:Welcome back to school,everyone!First of all,come and look in the lost and found box!There are a lot of things in it.Whose bag is this?
Lingling:Oh sorry!It’s mine.Are my crayons there too?
玲 玲:哦,对不起!是我的.我的蜡笔也在里面吗?
Ms Li:Are these crayons yours?李老师:这些蜡笔是你的吗?
Lingling:Yes,they are and this eraser too.Thank you.
玲 玲:是的,是我的,还有这块橡皮也是.
Ms Li:Whose tapes are these?
Daming:They’re mine.
大 明:是我的.
Ms Li:Here’s a purple wallet!
Tony:It’s mine.Look!Here’s my name “Tony”!Thank you.
托 尼:它是我的.看!这里有我的名字“托尼”!
Ms Li:You’re welcome!Look at this nice watch.Is it yours too,Daming?
Daming:No,it isn’t.I think it’s Betty’s.
大 明:不,不是.我想它是贝蒂的.
Lingling:Yes,it’s hers.
玲 玲:是的,是她的.
Ms Li:Everyone,please be careful with your things from now on.
Daming:Here are some nice gloves.Whose gloves are they?
大 明:这里有一些漂亮的手套.他们是谁的?
Ms Li:Let me see… Oh,they’re mine!Thank you!
李老师:让我看看…… 哦,他们是我的!