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英语翻译是要外国人写的才算,中国人用英语写的,不需要.要的是原文文献 原文作者 当然在这个基础上并翻译了 那就更好了如有

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 06:37:28
要的是原文文献 原文作者
当然在这个基础上并翻译了 那就更好了
要不同的2篇,字数不需要太多,每一篇一段就够了 英文一万字字符,翻译成中文的话,一千个字以上就可以了,不需要成篇成篇的
China's Economy and Reform
Increasing Farmers' Income: Key to National Economic Growth
内容提要 农民占中 国人口的 70% 以上, 然而他们的年收入低而且增长缓慢,这已经成为限制国内消费需求的主要因素.

Increasing farmers' income, a long-standing concern of the Chinese Government, becomes a harder nut to crack under the present new circumstances — China's WTO entry. China's agriculture is facing new challenges. Chinese farm produce, low in scientific content, lacks competitive advantages on the international market in terms of price. The entry of the high-quality foreign agriculture products will make it more difficult to raise the price of the domestic products. This will affect the production of the related farm products, which will in return exert an impact on the employment of rural laborers. If those surplus labors are unable to find jobs, farmers will have greater difficulties increasing their income.
Adjusting Economic Structure
Over the past few years, China has made active efforts to explore effective means for structural adjustments in accordance with the requirements of agricultural development in the new era, and achieved results. The Minister of Agriculture Du Qinglin said that in the coming years, the adjustment of the Chinese agricultural structure would give priority to the following four aspects:
Adjusting the mix of the agricultural production and giving full play to regional comparative advantages;
Developing high-quality, special-purpose and pollution-free farm produce and improving the quality of farm produce in an all-round way;
Developing the farm produce processing industry and increasing the added value of farm produce;
Promoting adjustment of rural employment structure and accelerating transfer of rural surplus laborers.
Reducing the Number of Farmers
While Chinese cities are facing increasing unemployment, rural areas have also witnessed a swelling population of surplus farmers. Statistics show that China now has about 150 million surplus rural laborers, a number which will increase by another 6 million annually in the coming years, due to a further reduction in farmlands and improvement of agricultural productivity.
Yang Zhongshu, Standing Committee Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), holds that China, a country with abundant labor resources and insufficient farmland resources, should vigorously develop labor and technology-intensive agricultural products and increase the internal employment capacity of agriculture. He believes this is a rational approach for restructuring agricultural production, as well as the right option for absorbing surplus agricultural manpower.
Of the current Chinese rural laborers, those who are illiterate or semi-illiterate form 16 percent of the total; those who have received primary school education constitute 40 percent; and those who have received vocational education or training make up only 5 percent. The low educational level of the rural labor force is aggravating the excess of rural labors. Export suggest that the supply of the low-quality laborers could be altered through enhanced education and training, thus providing more employment opportunities. They believe this is key to resolving the redundancy of the rural labor force.
Experts also suggest that an employment service system be established, providing a guarantee for the transfer of the rural labor force.
Implementing Tax-for-Fee Reform
Increasing farmers' income should start with reducing their burdens, said Wu Shuqing, Member of the NPC Financial and Economic Committee.
Records show that the per-capita net income of Chinese farmers increased 12.6 percent annually on average between 1994-99, while various agricultural taxes on them rose 12.7 percent during the same period. Overstaffed town and township government institutions were also basically supported by farmers, which added to the burden of farmers.
Tax-for-fee reform in rural areas is widely considered a policy aimed at fundamentally reducing farmers' burdens and guaranteeing their income. This on-going reform aims to straighten out various taxes and fees levied on farmers by grassroots government institutions, and abolish irrational fees before introducing a uniform agricultural tax.
At the Second Session of the Ninth NPC held in March 1999, Premier Zhu demanded that relevant departments loses no time in working out and implementing the tax-for-fee reform program in rural areas. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the State Council jointly issued a circular in April 2000, deciding to carry out experiments with rural tax-for-fee reform in Anhui Province and some counties in other provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. The experiments were aimed of a regular rural tax/fee system and for fundamental lightening of farmers' loads.
Premier Zhu has reiterated that while drastically reducing farmers' burdens during the rural tax-for-fee reform, measures should be taken to ensure necessary expenses for normal work and development of township and villages, especially the outlay for compulsory education in rural areas.
It is reported that tax-for-fee reform, which has been handicapped due to financial difficulties at county and town-ship levels, will be pushed forward in midst of the Central Government's increase in financial transfer payment. In his report delivered at this year's NPC session, Finance Minister Xiang Huaicheng said the trial of the reform will be expanded to one-third of China's provinces, and for this, the central finance will increase 15 billion yuan in special transfer payments.
( Beijing Review April 18 2002)
New Words and Expressions
surplus labor 剩余劳动力
option n. 选择
aggravate v. 加剧;加重;恶化
tax-for-fee 费改税
levy v. 征收;征集
reiterate v. 重申
trial n. 试验
labor-and technology-intensive 劳动与技术密集型的
semi-illiterate a. 半文盲的
redundancy n. 多余;过多
overstaffed a. 超编的;人浮于事的
municipality n. 直辖市;自治市
outlay n. 花费;开支