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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 09:36:43
This year is the 10th anniversary of China's entry into the wto. Ten years, China's average tariff level has fallen from 15.3% to 15.3%, at and above the wto requirement for developing countries. In recent years, China's economic development at the same time focus on stabilizing prices, regulation of structure, ensuring people's well-being and harmony; To continue to handle maintaining steady and rapid economic development, adjust the relationship between economic structure and managing inflation expectations. China's economy maintained steady and rapid development, economic development would be beneficial to the world.
再问: xiela
再答: you are welcone
再答: welcome
再问: are you forienger?
再答: No I am Chinese
再答: Why do you ask this question?
再问: 哈哈看你的头像,还有你回复我都用英文,我还以为你是老外呢
再问: 我又发了个问题你能帮我翻译一下么?哎老师留的作业都不太会啊
再答: International hotel management
再答: is my major
再答: please send the question to me
再问: 嗯我还有问题,稍等一下哈
再答: 好的
再问: 同其他国家一样,在中国用餐时也有很多禁忌。适当了解中国的餐桌礼仪,可以让你更好地入乡随俗,融入其中。首先不要玩筷子,比如用筷子指手画脚。或是在桌上敲击筷子,这是在暗示上菜太慢,有可能会触怒请客的主人,其次举杯干杯时,要确定你酒杯的高度要比在坐的长者低,以示你们辈分不同,向长辈表示尊重。
再问: 同其他国家一样,在中国用餐时也有很多禁忌。适当了解中国的餐桌礼仪,可以让你更好地入乡随俗,融入其中。首先不要玩筷子,比如用筷子指手画脚。或是在桌上敲击筷子,这是在暗示上菜太慢,有可能会触怒请客的主人,其次举杯干杯时,要确定你酒杯的高度要比在坐的长者低,以示你们辈分不同,向长辈表示尊重。
再问: 能帮我翻译一下么,谢啦
再答: 请问你是大学生吗?
再答: During the dinner conversation, like other countries, in China also has many taboos. Properly understand Chinese table manners, can let you better do as the Romans do, is blended in among them. First of all, don't play with chopsticks, like using chopsticks. Or tap chopsticks on the table, implying that it is serving too slow, is likely to annoy treat master, then drink a toast, to determine the height of the glass you elder than sitting low, to show you different degress, show respect to your elders.
再问: 谁能帮我把这段话翻译成英文,谢啦 四川,自古就有“天府之国”的美誉,这里的人民勤劳智慧,建设了美好家园,也经历许多磨难。一个多月前的4月20日,四川芦山发生7.0级强烈地震,造成重大人员伤亡和财产损失。四川人民在全国的支持帮助下,取得了阶段性重大胜利。5年前的5月12日,四川汶川发生了8.0级特大地震,我们举全国之力,用不到三年时间完成了灾后恢复重建任务。
再问: 嗯还有这句
再问: 对哈我大二的
再问: 英语不太好学的
再答: 我也大二,是否愿意QQ交流?
再问: 嗯好哈,1013735005
再问: 我的q q
再问: 还有最后一句话能帮我一下么?
再问: 四合院是一种能够为人们提供舒适的空间和静谧的隐私的住宅。它也可以保护安全,阻挡灰尘,抵御风暴。标准的四合院通常在其四边都有房屋,长辈住在正房,小辈住在厢房(side house),南边的房间为客厅或书房。四合院的门依据五行(five elements)学说置于东南角。在门里侧一般会设有一影壁。它可以防止外面的人直接看进院内,据说它同时也可以保护房屋,驱除鬼怪。
再答: 我的Q号是:532775958
再答: Sichuan, has its reputation as the "land of abundance" since ancient times, the people here are industrious wisdom, building a better home, also experienced many hardships. More than a month before the April 20, forth a 7.0 magnitude earthquake in sichuan province, causing heavy casualties and property losses. Sichuan people under the support of the country, has made phased victory. Five years ago on May 12th, the sichuan wenchuan 8.0 magnitude earthquake happened, we lift force of the country, with less than three years to complete the post-earthquake recovery and reconstruction task.
再问: 行,我现在加你
再答: Is a courtyard for people to be able to provide comfortable space and quiet private homes. It can also be security protection, stop dust, against the storm. The standard siheyun usually four-sided has in his house, is living in their elders room, live in small wing generation (side house), south of the sitting room to room or study. The door of courtyard according to the five elements (five elements) doctrine placed in southeast corner. In the door side typically is equipped with a shadow wall. It can prevent outside of the people see directly into the courtyard, it is said that it also can protect houses, remove ghosts.
再问: 天哪你的验证问题
再问: 嗯谢谢啦
再答: 不用详细回答
再问: 写了发不过去。
再问: 不知道为什么
再答: 只说姓氏-学校就行了,稍后再试。
再问: 要不你到时候加我吧
再答: 你没答第二个问题
再问: ok加你了