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英语翻译有没有大神可以帮我把这段话翻译成英文 不甚感激 设计说明:“人是什么样的人,家就是什么样的家” 造家的主人是建筑

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 00:24:15
有没有大神可以帮我把这段话翻译成英文 不甚感激
设计说明:“人是什么样的人,家就是什么样的家” 造家的主人是建筑师,十多年时间游历各地的聚落.从北到南,从东到西,搜集了上百个聚落的资料.在旅程中,不断的被国家的幅员辽阔及聚落的多样性所震撼,虽然无法穷尽,但是类型在一点点的清晰.聚落中所积累的人类智慧和活在其中的人们表现出的对生活的热爱,极大的撼动了建筑师.作为专业建筑师,被这些没有建筑师的建筑完全吸引,于是就这样不断的走着看着的决心就逐渐在心里生了根,只要到了节假日,就会扎在各地的聚落当中.在这样的心境和游历下,靠着双脚,双眼以及各种感官对聚落的触碰,对于“什么才是正真的建筑”逐渐有了自己的答案.建筑,特别是为人而居的建筑就是有血有肉的人的物化.如一面镜子的映像,你中有我,我中有你.作为人类双生共生的存在,人需要什么,建筑就需要什么.因此,我们需 要什么,我们的家就需要什么,造家促使我们去寻找关于居住的真理.回归本源,找本质,也是找自己.“动脑子思考是第一位 ” 反思现在的居住模式和建筑师在长时间游历中看到的居住模式发现,现代人的生活方式被僵化的思想模式禁锢了,大家都生活在开发商打造的既有模式的生活环境中.回过头想想,什么几室几厅真的是适合自己居住的空间么?我们需要的应该是更多元的,更有效的空间.而不是像不怎么住人的客卧一样,一关门就损失一大部分空间.特定的房间只有在特定的时间被使用,家居的空间成为一个个片断的集合.就是在这样的思路下,所有空间都被打开了,但是在适当的时候又可以通过风格,将空间分成许多私密的小空间.但是确实因为空间的重新组织得到了有效的安置.没有严格意义上的房间,每个空间都能借用别的空间,这在园林里叫“借景”.
Design explains: "people is what kind of person, the home is what kind of home made the owner of the house was an architect, ten years traveling around the settlement.From north to south, from east to west, collected the data of hundreds of settlements.In the journey, constantly by the diversity of the country's vast and settlement, although can't end, but the types in a little clear.Settlement in the accumulation of human wisdom and living in one of the people show love of life, greatly shook the architect.As a professional architect, attracted by the architect of the building not completely, then I'll keep walking at determination is gradually taken root in my mind, as long as the holidays, will be around in the settlement.Under such a state of mind and traveling, with both feet, his eyes and senses of settlement of touch, for "what is really building" gradually have their own answer.The construction, especially in man and construction is the materialization of human being.As a mirror image, sometimes-complex mix-and-match I have you in.As the twins symbiosis of human existence, what people need, building what you need.Therefore, what we need, our home is what you need, make home prompted us to search for the truth about living.Return to the origin, look for nature, also is looking for yourself."The brain thinking is the first" reflection now living pattern and architects in the living pattern of long time to travel to see, found that the lifestyle of modern confined by rigid way of thinking, everyone living in the developers to build both the pattern of life environment.Think back, what a few room hall is really suitable for their own living space?We need to have become more diverse, more effective space.Not like the guest lies not how to live, a closed lose most of the space.Specific room be used only at a certain time, household space become a collection of fragments.Is in such a way of thinking, all space was opened, but can through the style again at the appropriate time, the space is divided into many small private space.But it really because of the space organization has been effectively.No room in a strict sense, every space can use another space, this is called "borrow scene" in the garden.
英语翻译有没有大神可以帮我把这段话翻译成英文 不甚感激 设计说明:“人是什么样的人,家就是什么样的家” 造家的主人是建筑 英语翻译求个会葡萄牙语的帮我把下面那句翻译成葡萄牙语啊,小弟不甚感激!句子是:我又做错了吗? 英语翻译请帮下面这段文字翻译成英文,请问我可以开始了吗?请把书翻到36页,今天我讲话的主题是我有一个好老板.什么样的老板 请教英语达人“我知道很多人都不喜欢夏天,但是我喜欢的夏天是有原因的”怎么翻译成英语呢,谢谢!不甚感激!意思接近就可以不要 英语翻译哪位懂德语的朋友帮我翻译下下图上的类容,急,不甚感激!注:这是一张机械图纸上的说明类容谢谢下面各位的热心回答,有 英语翻译移动身体````翻译成英文是什么样的```` 英语翻译这是蜘蛛侠3里的台词帮我翻译成英文 不管你面对什么处境,不管你心里多么矛盾,你总有选择,你要成为什么样的人,取决 英语翻译本想上传的,但是那个照片弄了很久都没行,如果有哪位大师可以帮我,我私下把那两篇文章传给你,不甚感激啊,如果翻译得 哪位好心人能帮我把这些文字翻译成英文啊,不甚感激! 英语翻译谁能将“纯粹付出”或者“纯粹的付出”翻译成英文?不甚感激! 海市蜃楼说明作者是什么样的人 英语翻译求各位英语大神帮我把一句话翻译成英文“你是我心中永远的光”就这句,