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英语翻译So we should apply to the principle of faithful and smoo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 01:42:16
So we should apply to the principle of faithful and smooth,when wetranslated.
  What is called faithful,be the first to faithful to the original,we can’t al-ter or make up at random,and then faithful to the style and colour of ChineseIdioms.
  e.g.:“逝世”“去了极乐世界”“丢了小命”“蹬腿”“吹灯拔蜡”These words are all refer to die,because they belong to different styles,thetranslation must be reflected in different styles and colours.The above-men-tioned idioms should be translated into:“pass away”,“pass to the other side”,“be done for”“,kick the bucket”“,snuffit”.
  What is called smooth,refers to the translated text must be easy to un-derstand and conform to the English expression customs.
  e.g.“:坐如针毡”It means a people with unstable of mind.We often ex-press this feeling with”ant in one’s pants”,but in English,only translate into“like a cat on hot bricks”,is conform to the English culture and expressioncustoms,thus expressed the actual meaning of Chinese idioms.
  (c)the Relationship Between Faithful and SmoothFaithful and smooth seemed to be mutually opposite.In fact,they are u-nity of opposites.Faithful to the original text is not only refers to faithful in theliteral meaning,the most important is faithful in the inherent meaning andstyles of idioms.Similarly,only pursue the smooth of translation,regardless ofthe inherent meaning and styles of idioms,we will lose the significance ofsmooth.According to the translation standard,faithful is a presupposition forsmooth.Conversely,smooth is the perfection of faithful.They complementeach other.With regard to a Chinese college student of studying English,un-derstanding the difference between Chinese and English culture is necessaryand useful.
 3.2 The Popular Methods on Translating Idioms1)The Way of Translating into EnglishGenerally speaking,in minimum cases they were completely identical ei-ther in meaning or form between Chinese and English idioms,but after all itstill exist.It is also divided into two parts.One is identical or similar in bothmeaning and form or rhetoric.Another is identical in meaning but different inform or images.
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