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worth doing worth to do的区别

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 05:29:21
worth doing worth to do的区别
你在哪看到的worth to do
worth 只接ing啊
worth doing sth.
例:It's worth mentioning that I am a good man.
还有说法是worth sth.
如:He is worth the praise.
顺便解一个worthwhile,worth 只做表语,也就是接在be动词后面,而worthwhile做表语的时候后面不接to do 和doing,而且worthwhile还可以做定语(a worthwhle career),而且worthwhile的意思跟beneficial相近(有益)
顺便还还一个,worthy 的意思是有价值的,如a worthy suggestion