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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/14 02:27:36
第一句话我写了,大神们帮我看看对不对哦,错了也帮改下.急求了~!Under the circumstances of China's vigorous development of the culturalindustry,the micro-film industry,as an important component of the typical culturalcreative industry,it is paid more and moreattention by people.
With the support of the government,the culture related industries are under vast development.Mini-films,as an essential part of the innovative cultural industry,are attracting more and more attention from people of all sorts.This essay attempts to provide some initial thoughts through investigations into the current status of the mini-films in the Chongqing region in five aspects - status quo of Chongqing culture,municipal policies,marketing,innovation and outlook of Chongqing mini-films.This essay aims to dive deep intot the core of the mini-films in Chongqing so that a through understanding of the industry could be unfolded before the readers.
再问: 看来大神蛮多的,赵誉博的看不太懂~觉得你的和上善若水的还可以, Mini-films应该是Micro film吧,我看别人研究生论文写的就是这个词。intot是不是多了个t。请教大神。
再答: 对,用micro比较好。对,intot打得快了,多了个t