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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 11:00:48
A company, what is the most competitive resources, answer is definitely "employees". If asked: a company, what is the guarantee of sustainable development, answer is "employee". For enterprises, employees are important resources for the development of competition and level of staff initiative, directly affect the operating results of the company and management efficiency of the play.
How to effectively play their initiative, the employees are effective for the development of enterprise play to their intelligence, different companies have different approaches. You own when you post in information technology, management, and "humanism" as a management standpoint, outside of the enterprise system, sufficient attention to employee's personal needs, respect, and meet their desire to participate in, the development of human potential as a major management task, management promoting the comprehensive development of people as the ultimate goal. A long time, due to the influence of subjective and objective factors, Suining in postal management work, emphasizes that scientific and efficient working processes, focusing on implementing process management, personnel management, to system constraints, lack of Humanized management. In order to reverse this situation, Suining post worked in human resources management, strengthening the practice of humanistic management activities were carried out, try application of human-oriented management, with a view to achieving win-win of good will with the staff. Not science but because of its organizational structure, performance evaluation mechanism is not reasonable enough, employees ' quality uneven, the corporate culture construction of imagery and personal development of employees of limited, restricting the application of human-oriented management in Suining post.
For restricting the application of human-oriented management in Suining post this article cause superficial analysis, and proposed "strengthening human resources management, perfecting internal mechanism further refine the system, improving the overall quality of staff; creates team spirit as the core of enterprise culture creates personalized enterprise, promote the development of personalized" measures, aimed to Suining post human management application providing some enlightenment.
英语翻译一个企业,最具竞争力的资源是什么,回答肯定是“员工”.如果问:一个企业,可持续发展的保证是什么,回答还是“员工” 英语翻译21世纪最重要的是什么?——人才.企业面临日益复杂激烈的竞争,最重要的筹码是什么?——人力资源.优秀的员工是一个 从管理学的角度,一个企业的管理者是否在各个方面的工作中都要亲力亲为?甚至员工的家事,回答五百字左右 英语翻译核心竞争力是企业所有能力中最重要、最关键、最根本的能力,核心竞争力的强弱,决定了一个企业在市场竞争中的地位和命运 英语翻译企业和员工之间建立顺畅的沟通渠道,以使员工了解企业需要什么样的人才,企业了解并帮助员工设计职业生涯计划. 英语翻译21世纪是竞争人才的时代,企业如何选择人才以保持其竞争力成为招聘主管和研究者关注的问题.而校园招聘作为企业员工招 英语翻译 “论企业如何调动员工的积极性” 伽利略最具竞争力的品质是什么 英语翻译员工的工资,对于企业来讲是成本构成的重要一环,对员工来讲是和工作满意度、工作效率有直接关系的重要因素.企业一方面 英语翻译如何有效激发员工的工作能力、提高工作效率是每一个企业都十分关注的问题.多数企业认为,只要给员工更多的报酬,能够提 如何解释企业员工的安全意识 企业如何激励员工的英语作文