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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 08:48:11
it's hard for me to say goodbye to all of you, but please let's remember the day ,no matter where we are in the future, all of you is always in my heart! 真的很难说再见在这个即将离别的时刻,但是让我们一起记住这一天吧,从今以后,不伦您们走到哪里,你们都会一直在我的记忆中,在我深深的心底!

To my beloved teacher

At the leaving moment, a thousand words in my mind is for you ,l still remember the first day when you come into our class ,then you had became a big part of my life. Thanks for your helpping ,love giving ,caring and teaching. you have shared all of your energy ,happyness,affection, times with us, frankly speaking, you are just like another mohter to us. l know thanks is not enough for all but this is the most sincere emotion comming up from my deep down of heart, thaks for all you have done for us, l will never and ever forget anything taught to me by you. you are the most beautiful teacher in my mind! Please don't feel sad anymore at this precious moment, we have grown up a little bit, the way in front of us is still long, we will continuely walk on it by our own but fully equiped with your wishes blessed,love given. we appreciate to you heartfully and pray for your health and happyness for ever!


在这个将要离别的时刻,我的心中有千言万语要对你诉说.我依旧清晰地记着你第一次为我们上课的情景,从那时起,你就成为我们生活中的一部分.我十分感谢你给予我们的帮助,爱,照顾和教育.我们都十分感念你对我们付出过的谆谆教诲和浓浓关怀,你就好似我们的父母那样地照顾着我们的成长,谢谢你为我们所做的一切,我们是很难忘却的,忘却你这位最美丽的教师! 我们又要开始人生的另一段行程,请您不要为我们担忧或伤心,因为我们会带着您的祝福,您的教导和您的爱继续长大继续前行.发自内心地十分感谢您-我的老师,我们也会为您的健康和幸福不断祈福!