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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/10 06:31:13
Book 8 Module 1 参考答案及部分解析
1-5 ACBBC 6-10 BAACC
11-15 ABCBA 16-20 ACCAB
21-25 ACDBC 26-30 ADBAD
31-35 CBCAD 36-40 DGEBC
41-45 CABAD 46-50 ACDAB
51-55 BCDCA 56-60 BCBDD
61. on 62. one
63. that 64. are attracted
65. definitely 66. to contact
67. an 68. convenience
69. using 70. which
71. ... drive a small car. drive → drives
72. He helped ... helped前加has
73. ... a large number of ...
number → amount / sum
74. ... as earlier as ... earlier → early
75. ... since I went to ... since → before
76. ... went for a trip ... for → on
77. ... he was lost his way ... 去掉was
78. Fortunate ... Fortunate → Fortunately
79. ... got to knowing ... knowing → know
80. ... do nothing for ...
nothing → something
One possible version:
An Adventure Journey to the Antarctic
Welcome to the Antarctic — the last pure land on the earth!
You will enjoy your unique adventure journey to the continent on the world's first-class cruise ships. They will take you to the Antarctic Ocean, where even the explorers have seldom reached.
When you reach the Antarctic, you will have the chances to get close to penguins, seabirds, and seals. What's more, you will be able to visit the Antarctic Great Wall Research Station established byChina.
We have invited some international leading experts to go with you, including explorers, navigators, historians, and geographers. During your trip, they will provide you with some wonderful lectures on plants and animals in the Antarctic.
Don't hesitate. Just join us. I guarantee you a unique trip that will be a feast for your eyes and touch your heart!

21. A.细节理解题.由第一段中的If he successfully makes the journey in 22 days ... to the South Pole on foot和最后一段中的which ... is expected to complete in less than a month可知,Parker Liautaud的探险之旅日程很紧,故A项说法正确.
22. C.细节理解题.由第二段中的He says ... to raise awareness about climate change和第三段中的he will ... show how the climate is changing可知,Parker Liautaud前往南极的目的之一是为了研究那里的气候变化情况,故选C项.
23. D.词义猜测题.由第三段中的Given that background and a training schedule及However, he is continuing his course ...可知,Parker Liautaud由于南极之行以及与此相关的一些训练准备工作的需要,他可能会暂时中断在耶鲁大学的学习,故选D项.
24. B.主旨大意题.本文主要讲述一位大学生正在为自己的南极之行做准备,如果此行能够按计划顺利完成,他将刷新一项纪录.
本文是应用文.文章是一位中学生写的信,希望校方能够让Ellen Jackson老师来当今年八年级颁奖典礼的发言人.
25. C.细节理解题.由第二段中的She ... a former Eastwood Middle School student可知,Ms. Jackson曾就读于Eastwood中学,故选C项.
26. A.推理判断题.由第三段中的She is also a very effective speaker ... how to make people think and act for themselves可知,Ms. Jackson擅长与人交流,故选A项.
27. D.细节理解题.由最后一段中的The speaker at this ceremony should be someone who understands both where the students have been and where they are going可知,作者认为Ms. Jackson适合这一工作的一个重要原因是因为她很了解这些学生,故选D项.
28. B.写作目的题.纵览全文,由首尾两段中的Now I would like you to please consider asking Ms. Ellen Jackson to give this important speech和I hope you will consider asking Ms. Jackson to speak at this year's ceremony可知,作者希望通过这封信能够说服Ms. Wells,让她考虑今年由Ms. Ellen Jackson来当八年级颁奖典礼的发言人,故选B项.
29. A.段落大意题.由第二段中的American immigration began in 1607以及In 1620和By 1770等信息可知,本段主要介绍美国的移民史,故选A项.
30. D.细节理解题.由第三段中的In cities all over America, you can see different cultures that formed this country ... Some of the best examples of this are the foods people eat可知,作者试图以几种食物为例来说明美国是一个由多元文化构成的国家,故选D项.
31. C.推理判断题.由最后一段中的An American can be a person of any background ... It will keep changing as more people come to this country可知,作者认为美国文化具有多样性,故选C项.
32. B.标题归纳题.纵览全文可知,作者主要通过介绍美国的移民史和各种食物的来源说明了美国文化多样性这一客观事实,故选B项.
33. C.细节理解题.由第二段中的They swallow their babies ... until they have become fully grown可知C项说法正确.
34. A.细节理解题.由第三段中的the northern Darwin's frog ... the main reason for the frog's disappearance可知A项说法正确.
35. D.写作目的题.纵览全文可知,作者主要对达尔文蛙数量下降的原因进行了简要的分析,故选D项.
36. D.由该段标题Where fish live及其中的And about 40% of fish species are in fresh water可知,本段主要介绍鱼类生活的水域,故选D项.
37. G.由该段标题Senses及其中有关鱼类视觉和听觉的介绍可知,G项关于鱼类对于各种危险感知能力的介绍符合语境.
38. E.由该段标题Bodies of fish及其中有关鱼类身体相关知识的介绍可知,E项内容符合此处语境.
39. B.文章最后一段主要介绍了鱼类对于人类和自然平衡的重要性,故选B项.
40. C.由该空后面的They eat other sea animals and are eaten by other sea creatures, thus keeping up the balance of nature可知,这里是说鱼类是食物链中的一部分,故选C项.
41. C.由下文的Keep the train ... as I can及火车总是出轨可知,“我”给自己设定的目标太“高(high)”了.
42. A.由下文的driving the train around bends at full speed可知,“我”让火车尽可能“快地(quickly)”跑.
43. B.由下文的find myself driving the train around bends at full speed可知,火车正以全速通过弯道,这令“我”十分“惊讶(amazed)”.
44. A.由上文的the train went off the rails及转折连词but可知,这并没有让“我”“泄气(discourage)”.
45. D.由上文火车跑出轨道的事实可知,作者“成功(successes)”的次数很少.
46. A.47. C.48. D.由上文的The few ... reassure me that it was possible可知,“我”有很“强的(strong)”动力,所以“我”“无视(ignored)”那些失败,即使成功十分“渺茫(minority)”,“我”仍不放弃.
49. A.50. B.父亲“注意到了(noticed)”“我”所做的事情,于是让“我”停下来重新“想一想(think about)”自己所做的事.
51. B.由上文内容可知,作者在玩玩具火车,所以这里是指火车的“遥控器(controls)”.
52. C.由上文的try hard to get the train ... out of my hands可知,“我”一直在紧紧地“握着(holding)”遥控器.
53. D.心跳很快,用beating来表示.
54. C.由上文内容可知,“我”将目标定得太高了,所以“我”应该“降低(lower)”自己的目标.
55. A.由上文的With the help of my father ... use steady force可知,“我”最终很“容易(easily)”就成功了.
56. B.由上文“我”玩玩具火车这件事情和最后一段中对动机的分析可知,“我”是想表明“我”对驱动力的理解,故用call.
57. C.58. B.59. D.由but if not managed可知,动机会让我们“受益(benefit)”,但如果掌控不好,它也会让我们“脱离(lose touch with)”现实并导致一些“消极的(negative)”行为.
60. D.由上文的we should learn to manage our motivation可知,这样我们才会在生活和工作中更“有效率(effective)”.
61. on.be based on 依据, 固定搭配.
62. one. 结合语境,空格处泛指前面提到的手机, 故用不定代词one.
63. that. 分析句子结构可知,空格处引导表语从句,且表语从句结构意义完整,故用that.
64. are attracted.主语students与动词attract之间是被动关系,结合语境,可知应用一般现在时的被动语态.
65. definitely.此处应用definite 的副词形式definitely修饰动词distract.
66. to contact.allow sb. to do sth. 是固定表达,意为“允许某人做某事”.
67. an. emergency此处表示泛指,并且以元音因素开头,故填不定冠词an.if there is an emergency 情况紧急时.
68. convenience.bring convenience to sb. 是固定表达,意为“给某人带来便利”.
69. using.作介词by的宾语用动词-ing 形式短语.
70. which.空格处引导非限制定语从句, 指代先行词rules, 且在从句中作主语, 故用which.

1-5 DCBAD 6-10 ABDCA
本文是记叙文.文章主要介绍了Wilson Alwyn Bentley对雪花的研究及其影响.
1. D.细节理解题.由第一段中的Wilson liked snow so much ... Snowflake Bentley可知,Wilson Alwyn Bentley之所以被称作Snowflake Bentley是因为他终身致力于雪花的研究,故选D项.
2. C.词义猜测题.由第二段中的He studied them carefully and tried to draw what he saw和300 drawings可知,这些图案各异的雪花很快引起了Wilson的兴趣,故选C项.
3. B.细节理解题.由第三段中的the flakes always melted away before he could take a clear photo以及该段详细的描述可知,Bentley面临的最大挑战就是如何在雪花融化之前拍摄出清晰完整的图案来,故选B项.
4. A.段落大意题.由最后一段中的Artists, metal workers, silk producers ... studied his pictures and read his articles和the man ...left a lasting record of some of natural beauty等信息可知,本段主要谈论Snowflake Bentley的影响力,故选A项.
5. D.推理判断题.由第一段中的Wilson liked snow so much that he spent his whole life studying it和第三段中对Snowflake Bentley如何采集雪花并拍照的详细描写可知,他是一个细心而且有决心的人,故选D项.
6. A.推理判断题.由第一段中的It states that the concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) ... all broke fresh records可知,地球大气层中的温室气体含量增加了很多,故选A项.
7. B.细节理解题.由第二段中的the concentration of CO2 ... is mainly responsible for the warming effect in our climate可知,二氧化碳排放量在气候变化中起着重要的作用,故选B项.
8. D.细节理解题.由第三段中的Methane ... has been speeding up since可知,甲烷也像其它温室气体一样一直在增加,故选D项.
9. C.推理判断题.由最后一段中的What worries climate scientists和That goal seems to be very difficult to achieve等信息可知,作者对于气候变化是比较担心的,故选C项.
10. A.标题归纳题.文章主要介绍了世界气象组织公布的一项最新报告:全球温室气体创新纪录,然后对此进行了简单的分析,故A项作为标题最恰当.