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Book 6 Module 3 参考答案及部分解析
1-5 ACBAC 6-10 BACAA
11-15 BBCBC 16-20 ACCAC
21-25 CBDBA 26-30 CDABA
31-35 BCDCA 36-40 ABCDC
41-45 BADAB 46-50 CDBCD
51-55 CDBAA 56-60 DBBCD
61-65 CADCB 66-70 ADDCB
71-75 DECFB
76. Their friends’ online pictures of smoking or drinking.
77. More adolescents use Facebook (instead of Myspace).
78. High levels of smoking and drinking.
79. Stop posting smoking or drinking pictures online.
80. Social media use affects adolescent health behaviours.
81. ... once you're over ... once → unless
82. ... you had to take ... had → have
83. ... pass a driving test ... a → the
84. ... a few weeks late. late → later
85. ... passed by your test ... 去掉by
86. ... go on drive ... drive → driving
87. After 1904 ... After → Before
88. ... car drivers asked ... asked前加were
89. In the early day of ... day → days
90. ... go fast than ... fast → faster
One possible version:
Friendship plays a big part in our life. Without friendship, our life will be like a desert. According to my experience, I think friends bring me not only trust, understanding but also warmth. Once on a weekend I fell badly ill. Unfortunately, my parents were out on business and I was alone at home. Hopelessly, I called my friend Li Ming who lived near my home. He came immediately and sent me to hospital and looked after me carefully, which moved me deeply. It was my friend that gave me a hand when I was in trouble. I enjoy making friends and I value friendship a lot, because friends are like the sun —dependable and warm, and they brighten my days.
21. C.as a matter of fact 事实上;a large amount of 大量的.
2. B.空格处引导定语从句修饰drama,且在定语从句中作主语,故选which.
23. D.由He often invents stories or descriptions that are not true 可知,布鲁斯的想象很生动(lively).
24. B.句子主语I 与explain 之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且explain 所表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前,故用其动词-ing 形式的完成式.
25. A.由he gets little pay 可知,萨姆在“经济上(financially)”仍依赖他的父母.
26. C.题意:真可惜,像杰瑞这么有才能的人竟然(should)被雇佣运送货物.should 可用于表示惊讶等感情.
27. D.由working with the best in the business可知,privilege(特权)符合题意.
28. A.本句使用了强调句型It is ... that ...,被强调部分为主语the Internet.
29. B.由ruined the table cloth 可知“罗宾打翻了(knocked over)一瓶墨水”.
30. A.regret to do sth. 意为“很抱歉做某事”,主语I 与say 之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故用to say.
31. B.由Some movie plots are so simple 可知“你能在它结束之前预言(predict)将会发生什么”.
32. C.题意:女孩们在舞台上跳得很棒,我们向她们报以(in return)热烈的掌声.
33. D.由the moment I saw her 可知应用一般过去时,故选recognised.
34. C.由tell your child to keep away from it可知,“许多人对这种花过敏(allergic to)”.
35. A.由He is very clever and studies hard 可知It's my guess(这是我的猜测)符合题意.
36. A.由下文的内容可知,作者受到一对夫妇的帮助,所以她觉得自己是个“幸运的(lucky)”人.
37. B.作者的表姐夫几周前去世了,所以她约表姐出来吃饭,希望让她的心情好一些,故用brighten.
38. C.由下文的内容可知,这句话引出了具体的“故事(story)”经过.
39. D.由上一句My cousin has something wrong with her eyes 可知,作者的表姐“看(see)”不清东西.
40. C.由下文的A nice young man showed us ... 和Then a young lady introduced herself ...以及We looked over the menu ...可知,作者她们“走进(entered)”餐馆.
41. B.那对夫妇虽然没有作者她们老,“但是(but)”也可能六十来岁了.
42. A.由上文的As we 40 the restaurant, we came across an old couple who were just leaving 可知,作者姐妹二人进门时,老夫妇正要出门,所以这里应该是老先生顺手为作者她们“扶着(held)”门.
43. D.那对老夫妇也是来就餐的顾客而并非餐馆的服务员,所以对于他们的帮助作者只是“开玩笑说(joked)”没有小费.
44. A.由下文的We looked over the menu ...可知,一个友善的年轻人把作者她们带到“餐桌(table)”前.
45. B.来到饭店,作者受到了不少礼遇,再结合上文的They weren't quite as old as we are, 41 they might have been in their sixties 可知,作者觉得所有的亚利桑那人都乐意帮助“老人(old)”.
46. C.由下文作者二人开始点菜可知,这位年轻的女士是“服务员(server)”.
47. D.由We looked over the menu可知,作者她们看着菜单准备“点菜(order)”.
48. B.突然,作者她们在门口“遇到(met)”的那位太太出现在她们的餐桌旁.
49. C.由上一句“Lunch is on me,” she said可知,那位太太说午餐她请客,这让作者她们很是“吃惊(amazed)”.
50. D.作者她们都没有遇到过这样“慷慨的(generous)”帮助.
51. C.门口遇到的那位太太说午餐她请客,于是服务员一会儿送来了一张卡,所以这张卡就是门口那对老“夫妇(couple)”留下的.
52. D.作者她们长期生活在亚利桑那州,已经习惯了这里陌生的人们的友善行为,但是这次善意的“表示(gesture)”却不同寻常.
53. B.54. A.55. A.作者她们想让那对“友好的(friendly)”夫妇知道,她们永远不会“忘记(forget)”这件事,而且她们想让这对夫妇“相信(sure)”,她们也会尽力去帮助他人.
本文是记叙文.文章主要讲述了Craig Beck戒酒的故事.
56. D.细节理解题.由第一段中最后的it was damaging his health, wealth and relationships seriously during these years 可知,Craig Beck 之所以减少饮酒量是因为喝酒严重影响了他的生活.
57. B.推理判断题.由第三段中的As he helped more and more people stop drinking too much, he began to be regarded as “The Stop Drinking Expert”可知,Craig Beck 是个热心肠的人.
58. B.推理判断题.由最后一段中的There is no willpower required by his stop drinking system and people simply find that they no longer want to drink anymore 可知,Craig Beck 能够帮助人们轻易地把酒戒掉.
59. C.主旨大意题.本文主要讲述了Craig Beck戒酒的故事,故C项说法正确.
本文是说明文.文章主要为7 至17 岁的女孩介绍了一个交友网站.
60. D.细节理解题.由第三段中的It has a special interest search ... that have the same interest 可知,有相同爱好的女孩在这里很容易找到彼此.
61. C.推理判断题.由第四段中的At least you'll feel safe knowing that your daughter's privacy is well protected here 可知,作者认为给该交友俱乐部所交的费用是值得的.
62. A.细节理解题.由文章第五、六两段中的相关内容可知,只有a、c 和d 三项说法正确,故选择A项.
63. D.篇章结构题.文章第一段先是对the Circle of Friends Club 进行了简单介绍,然后详细介绍了其特点、规定等,在最后一段中对全文进行了总结.
64. C.细节理解题.由第二段中的内容可知,A、B 和D 三项说法都正确,C 项说法在文中没有依据.
65. B.段落大意题.根据该段中的keep a positive, optimistic attitude, feel better 等可知,第三段主要介绍了“笑”给我们精神上带来的好处.
66. A.细节理解题.由倒数第二段中的Shared laughter ... create opportunities to laugh with others 可知,和别人一起分享快乐可以加强人际关系.
67. D.标题归纳题.文章主要从三个方面介绍“笑”的好处,即:身体上的好处、精神上的好处以及人际关系上的好处.正因为此,我们应该笑口常开.
68. D.推理判断题.由Rain Room 一节中 的This exhibit can tell where visitors are when it is raining, so you can walk around freely without getting wet 可知D项说法正确.
69. C.细节理解题.由Shipwreck! Pirates & Treasure 一节中的... give kids a close look at life at sea during different periods of American history可知C项说法正确.
70. B.数字计算题.由The Art of the Brick一节中的Ticket Prices: $18 for adults, $7 for children ages 5-13 可知,九岁的儿童和其父母一共需要花费43 美元.
参考答案1-5 BCAAB 6-10 BCBDA
本文是说明文.文章主要介绍了the Gordian Knot 这个短语的来历.
1. B.细节理解题.由第二段中的an oracle had told ... in a wagon (a four-wheeled vehicle)可知,传神谕的人告诉佛里吉亚人,他们未来的国王将乘坐一辆四轮车进城.戈尔迪那天正好坐着牛车进城,人们就把他奉为国王.
2. C.词义猜测题.由上下文语境可知,在亚历山大大帝到来之前,没有人能够解开戈尔迪之结.虽然很多人都试图解开这个结,但是他们的努力都没有成功.
3. A.细节理解题.由第四段中的With that, he drew his sword and cut the Gordian Knot in half 可知,亚历山大最后用剑把戈尔迪之结切断了,算是把它解开了.
4. A.推理判断题.由最后一段内容可知,亚历山大的顾问们把那晚电闪雷鸣的暴风雨解释为众神对他解开戈尔迪之结的方法很满意.再联系第二段中的An oracle predicted that he who untied the knot would rule all of Asia 可知,亚历山大解开了这个结,这意味着他将统治整个亚洲,所以这次暴雨是一种吉兆.
5. B.写作目的题.第一段中的How did it become one?点明了本文的目的:介绍the Gordian Knot 这个短语的来历.B篇(旅游)本文是说明文.文章主要讲述了旅游的一些好处.
6. B.推理判断题.由第一段中的who wanders there quite a lot but refuses to travel around the world 和最后一句可知,作者认为他的朋友应该多去亲身体验这个真实的世界.
7. C.推理判断题.由第二段中的He does not know ...和He has never felt ...可知,作者认为他的朋友对世界的了解在某种程度上还是有限的.
8. B.细节理解题.由上一句We need to turn off the TV, close our books, and step out of the door 可知,作者的真实意图是鼓励人们多到世界各地去旅行.
9. D.推理判断题.由第三段中的We find it easy to judge other countries based on the information from reporters ... 可知,作者认为我们很容易根据报道来评判一个国家,而报道往往因为简短并不能做到全面,所以也有可能带来一些误导.
10. A.细节理解题.由第四段中的In a world ... traveling that is needed to end the violence 和最后一段中的The more of ... we'll be able to peacefully exist together 可知,作者认为周游世界可以促进世界和平.

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