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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 05:10:30

一般过去式 表示过去的动作和状态. I met him yesterday. 昨天我碰见了他.
一般过去式构成: 表示一般过去式的动词通常用动词的过去式形式来表示,而动词的过去式是在动词原形的基础上变化的.动词的过去式可分为规则动词和不规则动词.规则动词的过去式变化如下:
一般情况下,动词词尾加 -ed ,如:
worked played wanted acted
以不发音的 -e 结尾动词,动词词尾加 -d,如: lived moved decided declined hoped judged raised wiped
以辅音字母 + y结尾的动词,把-y变为-i 再加-ed,如:
studied tried copied justified cried carried embodied emptied 以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,双写词尾辅音字母,再加 -ed,如: stopped begged fretted dragged dropped planned dotted dripped 注:不规则动词的过去式变化规律性不强,须多加记忆.
go - went make - made get - got buy - bought come - came fly-flew
1) 表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间内所发生的动作或情况,通常一般过去式带有表示动作时间状语的词,词组或从句,如 yesterday, the day before last, last week, two days ago 等,上下文清楚时可以不带时间状语.
I worked in that factory last year.
I went to the Tian Long Mountain yesterday.
一 现在分词的结构:
现在分词就是动词加上ing 构成,下面是各种时态和语态的构成: 主动语态 被动语态
一般现在时 Doing Being done
现在完成时 Having done Having been done
1 The girl sitting in the front is my cousin.
2 Having fulfilled the mission, they returned to their company.
3 Being protected by his bodyguard, he felt safe wherever he went.
4 Having been invited, she had to go.
二 现在分词的功能:
A 作表语:
当现在分词作表语时, 现在分词可以简单地被看作是形容词.
The news is interesting.
The problem is confusing.
His speech is encouraging.
{ a His speech is encouraging.
b He is encouraging me now.
a 中encouraging是形容词表示主语的特征.
b 中encouraging是现在进行时表示主语发出的动作.
B 作定语:
互换 { In my hometown, there is a factory making cars.
In my hometown, there is a factory that makes cars.
互换 { The girl writing a letter is good at English.
The girl who is writing a letter is good at English.
互换 { The problem being discussed is very important.
The problem that is being discussed is very important.
• 通常情况下,单个的现在分词放在被修饰词的前面,现在分词短语放在被修饰词的后面.
This is a piece of encouraging news.
This is a piece of news encouraging us to work hard.
• 像非限定定语从句用逗号隔开一样,现在分词也有非限定形式---用逗号隔开.
互换 { His daughter, who is working in the hospital, is going to study abroad.
His daughter, working in the hospital, is going to study abroad.
C 作状语:
互换 { Leaving the airport, he waved to us again and again.
When he left the airport, he waved to us again and again.
互换 { Seeing nobody at home, she decided to leave them a note.
Because she saw nobody at home, she decided to leave them a note.
互换 { Turning to the right, you will find the hospital.
If you turn to the right, you will find the hospital.
互换 { Knowing where his uncle lives, he never goes to see him.
Although he knows where his uncle lives, he never goes to see him.
互换 { When he left the airport, he waved to us again and again.
Leaving the airport, he waved to us again and again.
When leaving the airport, he waved to us again and again.
互换 { Because she saw nobody at home, she decided to leave them a note.
Seeing nobody at home, she decided to leave them a note.
Because seeing nobody at home, she decided to leave them a note.
D 作宾语补足语和主语补足语(进一步地补充说明宾语,主语是一个什么样子):
宾语补足语 { I heard him….
I heard him crying in the corner.
{ He was heard….
He was heard crying in the corner.
a I heard him sing a pop song in the room.
b I heard him singing a pop song in the room.
E 作独立主格:
对: Standing on the top of the hill, I found the city very beautiful.
I---standing AND I---found
错: Standing on the top of the hill, the city looks very beautiful.
I----standing BUT the city---looks
I standing on the top of the hill, the city looks very beautiful.
• 独立主格的更多例子:
He walked over to me, a dog following him.
Class being over, the children went home.
Weather permitting, we will go outing next week.
His teacher having gone away to a conference, they did not have classes this week.