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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/06 03:53:00
To appreciate the drama basically is the lifecontent of nobility and idle people,when feudal society and capitalist is notpopularized,people have a lot of spare time and relieve lifestyle to enjoy.Capitalismon the one hand,created huge social wealth,people’s living standards greatlyimproved,and there are more choices,including entertainment; At the sametime,the fast pace of life have changed their habit of entertainment.Whenpeople are certain educated without too much leisure time to the theatre,theywill choose to reading books at home.Through reading,on the one hand,theyunderstood that the drama is not true.On the other hand,there’s too little informationin dramas,unable to meet the people’s growing desire.People in the era ofmake money,struggle for living,going to the theater to enjoy drama letordinary people unbearable,but reading newspaper and book or listening to theradio seems to be more realistic.England in Shakespeare’s times,hasn’t novelsor newspapers,poetries are too elegant to appreciate.By in 18th and 19thcentury,in addition to reading,there’re appear one after another excellentwriters like shimmering stars,their works also brought people a new enjoyment.Only from the surface meaning of English vocabulary,we can easily find it’sthe essence differences of entertainment values:“play” is a form of “play”,“newspaper”brought people “news”,and “novel” brought something “novel” to people.
英语翻译欣赏戏剧基本上是贵族和闲人的生活内容,封建时代和资本主义没有普及的时候,人们尚有大量的空闲时间和舒缓的生活习惯去 怎样区别16世纪英国封建旧贵族和与资本主义有密切联系的新贵族? 19世纪英国贵族生活维多利亚时代英国贵族应该过着比较悠闲的生活.求:19世纪英国贵族的一些生活习惯和礼仪之类的…… 英语翻译英国戏剧的三个巅峰和三个低谷从辉煌走向衰落:英国戏剧史上的三个巅峰三个缺乏重要戏剧或者没有戏剧的时代戏剧的本质和 戏剧和歌剧的欣赏怎样欣赏戏剧和歌剧?戏剧和歌剧的区别?世界著名的经典的歌剧戏剧.比如《小王子》 英语翻译作为一个跨时代的产物,网络的普及和应用,计算机网络独具的开放性、广泛性、交互性等特点,给人们的生活和工作带来了便 封建时代的商品经济与资本主义商品经济有何区别 英语翻译丰富多彩的暑假生活即将开始.我想出去旅游.你有空闲的时间吗?如果没有,让我们一起去享受大自然吧.我想去四川九寨沟 英语翻译计算机的普及与发展的时代,“Internet”一词已经让我们不再感到陌生.它已经成为人们快速获取、发布和传递信息 西周各贵族的政治和生活准则是 英语翻译基于单片机的数字温度计设计 随着时代的进步和发展,单片机技术和温度传感器技术已经普及到我们生活、工作、科研等各个 英语翻译我是一个基本上不懂音乐的人,但我很喜欢音乐.我认为,适当的听一些舒缓的音乐,有助于健康.好的音乐,想象力和创造力