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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 22:52:57
Fair value as a brand new measurement methods had been widely used in foreign countries,and has become the development trend of the international accounting.And in the accounting information quality,reliability and correlation is decision of accounting information useful main quality structure,they not only and financial report users and to the specific decisions related,but also the choice of measurement attributes related.Compared with the historical cost information,fair value information is generally has strong correlation,but relatively poor reliability.Therefore,for the reliability of the correlation and weigh the formulation explicit standards or for decision useful features of accounting information quality and reflection of the reconstruction will become to promote fair value accounting practice basic requirement.Fair value has been international hot and difficult problem,since the 1980 s,fair value in the international accounting standards and the countries of the accounting standard system played more and more important role in our country,in some standards also directly or indirectly involved with the fair value,but these standards after coming on stage but became some public companies operation profit means,therefore,the formulation of standards department have to greatly reduce the fair value of the application.But along with the market economy further perfected,the fair value of the use of environment more and more mature,on February 15,2006,promulgated new enterprise accounting standard,and to enable the fair value.This paper it is in this context,first from the definition of fair value,this paper introduces the connotation of the fair value,this paper discusses the characteristics of accounting information quality,which primarily on the two main quality features-reliability and want to care about further analysis.Focusing on the analysis of the fair value in the use of the reality of the reliability of accounting information and relevance of influence,and finally to the historical cost with the contrast of the fair value of this measurement attributes are summarized.
英语翻译公允价值作为一种全新的计量方式在国外已经得到广泛应用,并逐步成为国际会计的发展趋势.而在会计信息质量中,可靠性和 英语翻译摘 要:公允价值在国际会计准则中得到了普遍应用,它已成为国际潮流,且已作为国际会计准则(IAS)的基本理念,并终 英语翻译这次新准则的修改中,公允价值计量模式的运用成为了一大亮点.在投资性房地产采用公允价值计量模式之后,其公允价值与账 英语翻译公允价值计量属性在资产中的应用摘要:随着公允价值计量属性发展和完善,特别是次贷危机后,公允价值成为了一个焦点.我 英语翻译内容提要:本文阐述了有关公允价值及其在新《企业会计准则》中应用的若干问题.首先,本文分析了公允价值的产生和发展, 公允价值计量及其应用研究的英文翻译 英语翻译摘要:会计信息可靠性的定义着手于会计的可靠性,为了维持其可靠性,所必须坚持的其他会计原则.就像国际会计准则中对可 英语翻译中文摘要随着互联网技术的日益发展,电子商务作为一种新兴商务模式在各行各业广泛应用并迅速发展。保险电子商务成为现今 英语翻译翻译:近现代,公允价值在国际上得到了广泛的应用,我国新会计准则的颁发也预示着我国跟国际上接轨迈上了一大实际性的步 英语翻译数据挖掘是从数据库中发现隐含的、新颖的、对决策有潜在价值的知识和规则的过程,目前已经在许多领域得到了广泛的应用. 英语翻译文章摘要:随着法律制度以及与其相匹配的刑罚制度的逐步完善,未成年人社区矫正已经在国外的刑事司法实践中被广泛的应用 下列各项会计信息质量要求中,对相关性和可靠性起着制约作用的是()