作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 22:57:53
mad doctor --- 精神病医生
difficult friend --- 难于取悦、不易相处的朋友
parson's nose --- 清炖鸡或烤鸭的臀部
street Arab --- 野孩子
apple of the eye --- 掌上明珠
apple polisher --- 为求分数而谄媚老师的学生
goose flesh --- 鸡皮疙瘩
barber's cat --- 面带病容之人
cat's nest --- 女生宿舍
a sad (yellow) dog --- 无赖
old bird --- 老混蛋
a gay bird --- 爽快人
cat's paw --- 被人利用的傻瓜
Chinese puzzle --- 难解的问题
to steal one's heart --- 赢得某人的芳心
better half --- 丈夫(对外)称其妻子
worse half --- 妻子(对外)称其丈夫
a bed of rose --- 舒适豪华的生活
That old cat --- 悍妇、泼妇
to lead a dog's life --- 穷困潦倒,苟延残喘
an eyesore --- 眼中钉
an eyewash --- 骗局,赝品
dust and heat --- 风尘劳顿,汗马之劳
won't stir a finger --- 一毛不拔
dog in the manager --- 鸠占鹊巢
Give a dog a bad name and hang him --- 欲加之罪,何患无辞
Humbled to the dust --- 无地自容,奇耻大辱
Have subject at one's fingers --- 拿手好戏
Go to the dogs --- 鸡零狗碎
Take a moral holiday --- 暂且不规矩一次
be caught red --- 当场被捕
between tow fires --- 左右为难
to cut the Gordian's knot --- 快刀斩乱麻
a crumpled rose-leaf --- 幸福生活中的小小不如意