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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/04 17:59:41
Managing KWs for engagement is a marketing job and means asking, ‘what does the KW want and need?’, and ‘what does she consider valuable results?’ Interestingly, a cue for effectively managing KWs can be taken from voluntary organizations, where people work for satisfaction and challenges, not just a pay cheque (Drucker & Maciarello, 1992). For instance, nonproft organizations put a lot of thought into designing their mission statements, typically involving organizational members in the process (Drucker, 1992). As well, the purpose of work tends to have higher meaning within community-based agencies, and employees feel rewarded for their contributions, as opposed to feeling like faceless cogs in a corporate, money-making machine.
说明一下KW是什么意思,不然不知道你的行业,不好翻.另外,如果知道的话,大致说一下 Drucker & Maciarello,和 Drucker是什么,就更好了.
再问: kw是知识工作者的意思,括号里的东西不用翻译
再答: 管理知识工作者的参与是一项推广性的工作,意味着问“知识工作者想要什么,需要什么?”和“她认为什么是有价值的结果?”这样的问题。有趣的是,一个有效管理知识工作者的措施可以从志愿者组织那里学到,这些组织的成员们为满意度和挑战性工作,而不只是一张薪水支票。比如,非盈利机构花很多心思设计他们的使命标语,通常会让组织成员们参与这个过程。另外,工作的目的希望能在基于社区的机构里具有更高大的意义,员工就会感觉他们的贡献获得了回报,而不是感觉像那些在赚钱机器的公司里的无足轻重的小人物。