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求大师修改英语文章!My favorite cartoon film is“bolt”.Because this is

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/15 05:26:04
My favorite cartoon film is“bolt”.Because this is a moving story about friendship.
bolt is a actor dog.he lived in hollywood since the birth.He thinks he has super powers .but that is just film crew's lie.,because they hope bolt can play more realistic.
one day,bolt has accident lose his way.he meet a cat——Mittens.She looks like the "bad cat" in the hollywood.bolt catch her and compel her to lead bolt find his master.on the way to hollywood,they meet a fat hamster——Rhino.Rhino is bolt's “super fans”.
The story of what will happen between them?Let‘s see the film together
1.Bolt 作为名称 应大写首字母.另,每句话的第一个单词首字母要大写.
2.句子时态须统一.bolt is a actor dog.he lived in hollywood since the birth.又是一般现在时又是一般过去时.不好不好~一般现在时态和一般过去时态都可以的,但不要混搭.
3.bolt is a actor dog.改为 Bolt is a dog and a movie star.
4.he lived in hollywood since the birth.He lives in Hollywood since he was born.
5.one day,bolt has accident lose his way.改为 One day Bolt accidentally loses(时态你自己把握)his way.不能用accident 而是 副词accidentally
6.She looks like the "bad cat" in the hollywood.到底是看上去像好莱坞里的坏猫,还是看上去像电影里的坏猫 in the movie.因为本人没看过该片,所以这里作者自己要考量.
7.bolt catch her and compel her to lead bolt find his master.时态有问题.第三人称单数形式啊..另,lead bolt to find lead sb to do sth 再另:这个master到底是his的还是her的?根据你的描述,貌似是猫猫女的boss吧...
8.Rhino is bolt's “super fans”.单复数问题...Rhino明明是一个人哦~单数~fan不可以用复数 除非你要这样表达 Rhino is one of the super fans.
9.The story of what will happen between them?.楼主 看到这里小女子彻底被雷焦了...这句话要么是特地道的英语表达,鄙人学术浅薄没见过,要么就是一句地道的原创chinglish...参考:The journey is becoming more and more exciting.Do u want to know what happened to them?Let's figure out together!
再问: 感谢地一塌糊涂泪如泉涌.....关于第一条完全是为了省事....嘿嘿.....这篇文章很多是上网搜到的...(网上东西不靠谱啊!有木有!)再次感谢您滴大恩大德,感谢您八辈祖宗...咳咳,我代表八辈祖宗都感谢你!
再答: 嘿嘿~~~ 加油哦~~~ 速度采纳我的答案吧