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一段英语对话:W: Hello. Is Mr. Smith in?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 22:51:55
一段英语对话:W: Hello. Is Mr. Smith in?
W: Hello. Is Mr. Smith in?
M: No, he isn't. He just stepped out for a few minutes. You're welcome to wait or leave a message.
Q: When will Mr. Smith be back?
A.In forty minutes. B.In a few minutes C.When there's a message D.He left for the day.
请问He just stepped out for a few minutes.和He left for the day怎么解释?谢谢~
He just stepped out for a few minutes是“他刚刚出去几分钟”还是“他几分钟后回来”?求详解~
先分析He just stepped out for a few minutes的意思
stepped out 是走出去,这句话表示他刚刚出去了几分钟,而不是几分钟后回来
A.In forty minutes 在四十分钟内
B.In a few minutes几分钟后
C.When there's a message当有一个消息
D.He left for the day他离开了一整天