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英语翻译三、种族歧视的社会影响 美国白人的种族歧视不仅给黑人造成了难以弥合的精神创伤,而且还对美国社会具有非常严重的负面

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 13:26:43
美国白人的种族歧视不仅给黑人造成了难以弥合的精神创伤,而且还对美国社会具有非常严重的负面影响.美国黑人作为种族主义行为的具体牺牲品,一直生活在充满着敌意 、偏见与歧视的以白人为主流的社会中,他们要花费巨大的精力和气力去面对和应付白人的种族主义
美国黑人社区、家庭特别是个体黑人一直面对着美国种族主义壁垒 ,这给美国黑人家庭和社区带来严重的消极后果.鉴于白人种族主义的长期累积的影响(喧嚣的歧视与隐性的歧视结合在一起 ,城市中的黑人难以得到像样的工作 、教育和公共安全,无法摆脱笼罩在那里的破败 、萧条与贫困和失意),虽然 20世纪后期以来公然的种族对抗并不常见 ,但无处不在而又无法逃避的种族歧视和排斥却令城市中的黑人不得不做出文化层面的反应.对于个人而言,一个人因种族属性而成年累月遭受的人际攻击会使他产生痛苦和愤怒 ,并对其家庭成员产生负面作用.这样 ,个人的痛苦成为痛苦的集体记忆的组成部分 ,成为家庭和社区的一部分.而且当一个社区的群体遭遇经济上的被边缘化、个人的流动缺乏任何渠道的制度性支持时,便会产生对抗的文化——个人 、家庭和社区演化 出一系列应对白人种族主义的对抗策略.这种“对抗”文化在防范种族歧视和不平等对待时,表面上会将个人保护起来,但作为一种针对种族歧视和排斥的长期政治反应 ,它最终却使广大黑人与主流社会隔绝,非但无助于他们摆脱贫困,反而进一步加强白人社会对黑人的歧视与隔离 ,导致黑人贫困现象继续存在并不断得到加强
长期以来,美国黑人渴望获得美国白人所拥有的成就与地位 ,然而,种族歧视与压迫的历史造成了庞大的黑人下层群体.由于在居住和受教育方面一直遭受歧视,黑人常常被迫在不平等的条件下与白人展开竞争 ,从而致使相当大比例的美国黑人经常处于贫困和失业的状态在黑人社区,种族隔离对黑人福利的影响是结构性的,而不是个体性的.它使得贫困人口集中起来 ,并在黑人社区产生了一些互相强化、自我反馈的“螺旋式”衰退.当经济失序剥夺了被种族隔离群体的就业机会并提高了贫困人 口的比例时,社会经济剥夺不可避免地集中于这个群体所生活的地区.与贫困的增长相伴随而来的是,灾难性的社会后果也在空间上趋于集中,产生了这种独特的不利环境 ,使其与社会其他部分(地理 、社会和经济)更进一步地隔绝.这种情况也更进一步毒害了黑人社区的邻里环境 ,破坏了黑人社区的家庭结构 ,致使这里单亲母亲家庭居多,大多数孩子是非婚生育的,大多数的家庭依赖福利救济,教育失败的情形普遍存在,社会环境和自然环境严重恶化.长期处于这样的环境之下,黑人取得社会和经济成功的机会显著减少.
Third,the social impact of racial discrimination
The United States not only to whites of racial discrimination caused blacks hard to reconcile the trauma,but also of American society have very serious negative effects.African-American as a specific victim of acts of racism,has been living in is full of hostility,prejudice and discrimination by the white mainstream society,they have to spend enormous energy enough to face and deal with white racism
Racial discrimination to the black at the way forward to the successful set up enormous obstacles to black people not have access to equal opportunities,resulting in the loss of black achievement,with its poverty among the frustrated,especially in the field of education and the existence of racial discrimination central cities in the education system lagging behind with less than one generation after another so that they lost path out of poverty.A result,generation after generation of blacks and other poor people in the bottom because of the lack of cultural and technical and long-term become unemployed.This vicious cycle to make them a lot of people have lost confidence in the future and strive for power,the resulting negative impact is immeasurable.
African-American community,in particular,individual home has been the face of black America racist barriers,which give African-American families and communities have serious negative consequences.Given the long-term accumulation of white racism impact (noise discrimination and hidden discrimination combine urban blacks difficult to obtain a decent job,education and public safety,can not get away from over there in a dilapidated condition,depression and poverty and frustrated ),although since the late 20th century,blatant racial confrontation,although not common,ubiquitous and can not escape the racial discrimination and exclusion of blacks made the city has to make the cultural dimension of the reaction.For an individual,a person because of race and property suffered by a time when people would attack him pain and anger,and their family members have a negative effect.In this way,the suffering of individuals suffering become an integral part of collective memory and become part of families and communities.And when a community group on the face of economic marginalization,personal channels for the flow of the lack of any institutional support,there will be a confrontation culture - individuals,families and communities to deal with white racism evolved a series of confrontations Strategy .This "confrontation" culture in the prevention of racial discrimination and unequal treatment,the surface will be on personal protection,but as a response to racial discrimination and exclusion of long-term political response,which eventually made the vast numbers of blacks and isolation from mainstream society,not only will not help them shake off poverty,but to further strengthen the white society of discrimination against blacks and segregation,leading to black poverty continue to exist and continue to be strengthened
A long time,African Americans eager to get the United States owned by whites achievements and status,however,the history of racial discrimination and oppression caused by a huge group of black middle and lower classes.Because in the living and education has been subjected to discrimination,blacks are often forced to unequal conditions of competition with the whites,thus resulting in a significant proportion of African Americans often live in poverty and unemployment at the state of the black community,apartheid on black welfare the effects are structural rather than individual in nature.It allows poor people together,and at black communities have had a number of mutually reinforcing,self-feedback of the "spiral" recession.When the economy is out of order apartheid groups were deprived of employment opportunities and increased the proportion of poverty-stricken population,the socio-economic deprivation inevitably focus on this group live in the region.Growth and poverty attendant is also disastrous social consequences tend to focus on space,have had a disadvantage of this unique environment,and bring it into line with other parts of society (geography,social and economic) further isolation .This also further poisoned the black community of the neighborhood environment,undermining the black community of the family structure,resulting in single-mother families here,mostly,most children are born out of wedlock infertility,most of the families dependent on welfare,education,the failure of the case generally exist,social environment and the serious deterioration of the natural environment.Long-term in such an environment,the blacks to achieve social and economic chances of success significantly reduced.