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英语翻译Travel is a good actiity when you are fived of your work

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 09:44:50
Travel is a good actiity when you are fived of your work or study and when youare free.you can go to a beauiful place to enjoy the nature .You can breathe freshair.It's not a good thing.The weather always changen.You may be caught on the rein and have a cold while travelling.
Theve fore you should propare yourself caefully before atrio.You'd,better fond a conpanion so that you can help each other and awoid accdents.
当你厌倦了(fived 应该是 tired吧)工作或者学习,又有空余的时间,旅游是一个很好的活动(actiity 应该是activity).你可以去一个美丽的地方享受大自然.您可以呼吸新鲜空气(freshair 应是 fresh air).这不是一件好事情.天气变幻无常(changen 应是 changes).你可能在旅途中会遇上大雨 而 因此得了感冒.
因此(theve fore 应该是 therefore),在出发旅游前(atrio 是 a travel?),你应该小心(caefully应该是carefully)准备(propare 应该是 prepare).你最好找一个同伴(conpanion 应该是companion),方便大家互相帮助及防止意外发生 (awoid accdents 应该是 avoid accidents).
只是懂复制人家的答案 再重答 是不要得的行为.