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能给我发个3000字左右的航运港口方面的英文文章,带中文翻译的, 真的非常感谢

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 07:38:37
能给我发个3000字左右的航运港口方面的英文文章,带中文翻译的, 真的非常感谢
20世纪初,上海曾是中国最大的工业城市和远东的金融中心.进入90年代以来,上海抓住浦东开发的机遇,深化经济改革,进一步开放,成就显著.上海拥有良好的投资环境和优惠的投资政策,涉及十多个领域的几十个行业.为了鼓励外国投资,凡从事投资额大,回收期长的项目,如能源,交通基础设施的建设和经营者,除一般外国投资者优惠待遇外,又有特别优惠.近十年来,上海的外商之间投资以每年百分之36的速度增长,高于中国的平均速度百分之10.Shanghai is located in China's most fertile Yangtze River Delta region ----- front, the east the East China Sea, south of Hangzhou Bay, west of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, north the Yangtze River and the East China Sea a series again. While in Shanghai in central China's north-south arc of coastline, convenient transportation and vast hinterland and strategic location, is a good Jianghai port, a total area of 6,340 square kilometers. Shanghai is subtropical monsoon climate, four distinct seasons, the full sunshine, with plenty of rainfall, the average temperature around 16 degrees Celsius.
Shanghai as an international metropolis, the traffic is developed. Shanghai Port and the world more than 200 countries and regions in more than 600 shipping companies and more than 500 ports a shipping trade between Shanghai's air cargo throughput and passenger traffic in the country were ranked the first, second, direct The provinces, autonomous regions (except Taiwan) and the routes to 59 cities in the world on international routes; land transport is well developed and nearly 100 of the various railway lines, direct access to all parts of the country, while the city has reached 237 km expressway, between 15 and 30 minutes from any major industrial areas, transportation terminals, satellite towns at or near the centre of the highway.
The early 20th century, Shanghai was China's largest industrial city and financial centre in the Far East. In the 1990s, Shanghai Pudong Development seize the opportunity, deepen economic reforms, further opening up, notable achievements. Shanghai has a good investment environment and preferential investment policies, involving more than 10 areas of the dozens of industries. In order to encourage foreign investment, where investment in large, long payback period of projects, such as energy, transportation infrastructure construction and operators, in addition to the general preferential treatment to foreign investors, have special offers. Over the last decade, Shanghai's foreign investment between 36 percent to an annual growth rate, higher than China's average speed of 10 percent
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