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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 10:21:44
Although the pay is not the only means to motivate staff, is not the best way, but it is a very important and the most vulnerable people use the method. Total remuneration for the same, different methods of payment, will produce different results. So, how to achieve maximum performance pay is one worth exploring art.
To make the best pay both the incentive effect and be conducive to the stability of the contingent staff, it is necessary to increase the incentive pay system function at the same time, during the actual operation on the use of certain skills. Several methods described below may give you some inspiration.
In forming an enhanced incentive pay factor
Staff from the incentive perspective, the pay can be generalized into two groups: those in the health factor (or maintenance factors), such as wages, a fixed allowance, compulsory social welfare, the welfare of internal unity projects other is stimulating factors, such as bonuses, incentives, stock, training and so on. If the health factor of less than expectations of the staff, the staff would feel unsafe, a decline in morale, the loss of personnel, or even less than personnel recruitment phenomenon. On the other hand, despite high wages and a variety of welfare programs to attract and retain employees to join the staff, but these are often employees should be regarded as a treatment, it is difficult played incentives. Staff work can really mobilize the enthusiasm is encouraging factors.
If the rigid salary (that is, non-denatured) for the abscissa to pay the difference (that is, pay in the difference between the different staff level) for the longitudinal coordinates, can be divided into four categories constitute remuneration (4 a quadrant):
From the point of view of incentives, the second quadrant of the strongest incentives, the fourth quadrant of the weakest incentives or zero (the most rigid).
If an organization of the work of the staff were not enthusiastic about, the staff lazy comparison, the incentive to increase the intensity, high flexibility can be used to pay mode, that is, increase the second quadrant (floating wages / bonus / commission) mix, narrow rigid Composition. On the contrary, if the brand is a result of the weak lead recruitment difficulties emerging companies, which use high salaries stable pattern, the pay increase in the fixed component so that employees with a sense of security.
Designed to accommodate the needs of staff welfare projects
A comprehensive welfare system to attract and retain staff is very important, it is whether the companies sound human resources systems are an important sign. Welfare project design well, not only can give employees the benefits of lifting the future and increase the company's loyalty, but also can be saved in personal income tax on spending, while increasing the company's social reputation.
Staff personal welfare projects in accordance with government requirements can be divided into two categories. A class is mandatory welfare, business must, in accordance with the stipulated standards, such as old-age insurance, unemployment insurance, medical insurance, work-related injury insurance, housing provident fund. The other is the welfare enterprises to design projects, such as the common personal accident insurance, medical insurance, family property insurance, travel, clothing, subsidies or free meals misuse of meals, health screening, club contributions, the provision of shelter or housing support scheme , or claims must provide bus transportation fees, special allowances, paid leave. Sometimes these benefits staff will be converted into income, whether for comparison with material enterprises attractive.
To enterprises, welfare is a huge expenditure (in foreign invested enterprises will account for the total payroll more than 30%), but the staff, not their incentive, and some employees do not even appreciate. The best approach is to use the menu-style welfare, that is, staff characteristics and specific needs, presents some welfare projects, and provides certain benefits GDP staff so freedom of choice, each takes what it needs. This way different from the traditional uniform welfare programs, and highly flexible, very popular among employees welcome.
Pay attention paid in the skills
The use of different staff different incentives. Well-known Maslow (Maslow) needs five levels theory that human needs are divided into different categories, only to meet the needs of the low-level, high-level order to consider the demand. As a low-level wages to meet demand conditions for the protection of the vast majority of people, is still an absolute principle. Low wages and the company, even do a good enterprise culture, but also difficult to keep people. The high-level personnel, higher wages but if the lack of training and development opportunities, it still lacks appeal.
Cash and non-cash pay and combine the use of pay, and sometimes can be achieved unexpected results. The former includes wages, allowances, bonuses, "red envelopes", the latter including the provision of staff enterprises of all insurance benefits, in kind, the company held the tourism, cultural and sports entertainment. Some companies specifically for the family members of the staff offer special benefits, such as the festival of the family members invited to participate in gathering, the company presented special gifts to employees and their families together with tourism, providing gifts to the children and so forth, so that staff feel particularly " face. " Two concerts presented in charge of the counting, a box of cosmetics, often allow employees extremely excited.
Conventional appropriate incentives to shorten the time lag, and maintain the timeliness of incentives, incentives help achieve the best results. Frequent small-scale incentives than large-scale incentives more effective. Incentives to reduce conventional regular, irregular increase incentives for employees with more pleasantly surprised, but also can increase the incentive effect.
The selection of incentive payment methods
Payment methods usually include payment on time, according to a payment, such as by the performance payment. The effect is the lack of incentive payment on time, the incentive is reflected in the annual salary increases for some time before and after, it is difficult to lasting. But it also has obvious advantages: a stable income, a sense of security to employees, keep people and facilitate the recruitment; facilitate implementation; easy to forecast labor costs; not ignore that the quantity of output quality. The piece-rate pay incentives to employees is very clear, but it applies only to the number of outputs easy measurement, quality standards of clarity in its work with the knowledge it is very difficult piece of white-collar work. In the IT industry, the most commonly used is timely payment and payment performance by combining. It needs to set specific work prior target (indicator), the examination period at the end or after the completion of the project according to the actual work performance evaluation of the results from floating wages or commission. Wage performance by the team performance and individual performance by the decision of two parts. The senior posts, corporate profits often as important performance indicators linked with pay. As with pay linked to performance can be quantified, it is more incentive and fairness. This method needs a reasonable goal setting methods, and good performance appraisal systems do support.