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英语翻译可以翻成how about talking with Mary?还是how about you talking

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 07:23:23
可以翻成how about talking with Mary?还是how about you talking with Mary?
How about your talk with Mary?
再问: 请教一下我说的那2种都不可以吗?可否说明一下?How about后加名词和动名词既可?
再答: how about talking with Mary? 此句意为“和玛丽谈谈如何?”,带有建议性 how about you talking with Mary? 此句不合语法 How about后加名词和动名词皆可
再问: 您的意思是how about 后不能跟句子,所以how about you talking with Mary? 此句不合语法? 还有有点一直不明白,像有些词既可以做名词,又可以做动词如talk,那我在此处用talking可不可以,How about your talking with Mary? 还有比如seek your approval是不是等于seek you approve? 不甚感谢!
再答: How about your talking with Mary? 可以。 seek your approval 不可等同于seek you approve
再问: 不好意思,英语语法比较薄弱,需要您再解释一下。seek your approval 与seek you approve语法上都对吗?有什么不同吗?初衷是只想用英语表达请您批准的意思,不知用哪种好。还有how about you talking with Mary? 此句不合语法在哪处?
再答: seek your approval 语法正确, seek you approve不合语法,seek作为动词,不可直接加从句 how about you talking with Mary? How about +动名词/名词,也不可直接加句子
再问: 非常感谢! 那诸如concern既是名词,也是动词。concern后可加句子吗? 例:understand your concern是否也可表达成understand (that) you concern.? 为了表达感谢,之后会追加分。 ps:如有空的话可否再帮忙看一下http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/316607554.html
再答: understand your concern 不可表达成understand (that) you concern,前者正确,后者不合语法。 understand是可以加that从句,但是you concern 不成句子,句子成分残缺,如缺乏宾语,而且一般也很少用you concern这种说法。 关于concern+that,可好好理解一下例句: There's now concern that insurance giant AIG may also be in big time for financial trouble. 人们现在担心,保险业巨头美国国际集团也可在大的时间财政困难。 He expresses concern that the government may have promised more than the economy can deliver to future retirees. 他对政府承诺给未来退休者的金额超过财政所能负担表示忧虑。 concern [kən'sə:n] vt. 1. 关系到,对…有关系;影响: This matter concerns all of us. 这件事与我们每个人都有关系。 2. [常用于被动语态]使关心;从事,参与,使卷入,使陷入,牵涉到(常与with 或 in连用) More than two students have been concerned in this affair. 这件事情牵涉到两个以上的学生。 3. 使担心,忧虑,使挂念: Her illness concerns her parents. 她的病使她的父母很担心。 n. 1. (与某人)有关的事,…的事, 2. 利害关系;重大关系;重要性 3. 关心;担心;顾虑,挂念 4. 关系,关联,涉及 5. 商行,商号,公司;企业 近义词: care . concern [kən'sə:n] n. 1. something that interests you because it is important or affects you the safety of the ship is the captain's concern 2. an anxious feeling 3. a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it a racially integrated business concern 4. something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness New York traffic is a constant concern 5. a feeling of sympathy for someone or something She felt strong concern for those less fortunate v. 1. have to do with or be relevant to 2. be on the mind of 以上来源于: WordNet
再问: 最后一问,您的意思是you concern 不成句子,句子成分残缺,缺乏宾语,是因为这边的动词concern是及物动词不能省宾语,若是不及物动词是可以省的,是这个意思伐?
再答: 嗯