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they,a,that,siad,built,year,hospital,before,they,the,last 连词

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 21:19:16
they,a,that,siad,built,year,hospital,before,they,the,last 连词组句
They said that they built the hosptal a year before last.
再问: a year befoer......last? 好像不对吧。。。?
再答: They said that they built a hosptal the year before last.粗心了,应该这样才对,嘿嘿。 意思是:他们说,前年他们建了一家医院。 又如: She died a natural death the year before last. 她在前年寿终正寝。
再问: 前年是 the year before last year 吧? 额好吧我再看看