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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 01:49:51
每个人的一生都会遇到许许多多的事.当然,我也不例外. 我的一生中遇见过伤心的事,后悔的事,高兴的事.因时间的飞逝,我也渐渐的淡忘了.可有一件事,像是刻在了我的心里,使我终生难忘! 那还是我小学的时候,一次放假.我便约了几个小伙伴,一起去爬山. 那天,我们各自带着自己喜欢吃的东西来到山上游玩.不一会儿,我们就爬到了山顶.好大的风啊,我们坐在石头上.一边吃东西,一边说笑话. 往下一望,啊.好多房子啊.我们便开始寻找自己的家了.这时听见一个人喊:“看,那边有一个果树林.肯定很凉爽.我们去那边玩吧.”我们几个人一起看着那里,确实在山腰上发现了一片果树林.于是我们就商量着去那片果树林里玩. 来到了果树林,树上竟然摘满了橘子.我带头爬到树上去摘橘子,刚摘没几个,啪啪!一根树枝短了,我一紧张,失去了平衡.往后一躺,摔了一个四脚朝天.这时从远处走来一位老爷爷,看了看我,又看了看地下的橘子.顿时恍然大悟,刚张开口想要说什么,我知道老爷爷要批评我了,我便准备低下头去,接受这位陌生的老爷爷的批评.刚刚想到这里,便听见了一个沙哑的声响说:“小朋友,你们刚才的事.我都看见了,你没摔坏吧.用不用上我家里去檫点药呀?”我回过神来,慌慌张张的说:“不用了.”便拉着小伙伴走了. 现在我想起来,我到别人的树林里去偷橘子而摔了一跤,他竟没骂我活该,还问我摔着没有.我连一句谢谢也不说一声,就慌慌张张的走了.现在想起来,真后悔.以后哪天要有时间,我一定要上他家去道歉! Each person's life may come across many things. Of course, I was no exception. My life encountered a sad thing, regret things, happy things. Of time passes, I have gradually faded. May have a thing, such as engraved in my heart, so that I will never forget! That is still my primary school, a holiday. I have about a couple of junior partner, and go and climb mountains. On that day, we each like to eat things with his own play to the mountains. A moment later, we climbed to the summit. A big wind ah, we are sitting on a rock. While eating, while jokes. I looked down, ah. A lot of house ah. We then began to find their own home. Then heard a man shouting: "Look, over there there is a forest of fruit trees. Definitely very cool. Wanba we go over there." We looked at with a few people there, indeed the discovery of a mountainside forest of fruit trees. So we are going to discuss the Napian fruit forests play. Came to the fruit trees full of orange trees, even Zhai. I take the lead climb Quzhai oranges, not just picked a few, pops! A branch short, I have a nervous, lost his balance. Lying next one, threw a four-foot overturned. Then came a grandfather from a distance, looked at me, then looked at the ground floor of the orange. Suddenly understood why, just want to say what Chang openings, I know that grandfather want to criticize me, I bowed his head ready to go, to accept the unknown grandfather criticism. Just think of where they heard the sound of a hoarse, said: "Look, you have just the thing. I have seen, and you did not broke bar. Use do not need to go to my house, Sassafras Point medications do you take?" I fascinating stats, panic, saying: "No need." junior partner will be pulling away. Now I think of it, I went to the woods to steal someone else's oranges and a fall, he called me Jingmei deserve, but also asked me Shuaizhao not. I did not say a word of thanks on the panic's gone. Now think of it, I really regret it. After which day to have time, I must apologize, he's home!