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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 23:54:51
一般现在时:He often watches TV in the evening.他经常在晚上看电视.
She always tries her best to help people.她经常尽力帮助别人.
The girl sometimes goes to the hospital to see her grandfather.
The little boy always speaks in a low voice.这个小男孩经常说话很轻.
Mary likes shopping very much.玛丽非常喜欢购物.
Tom never smokes in public.汤姆从不在公共场所吸烟.
Sometimes he is funny; sometimes he seems like a poet.有时他很滑稽,有时他又像个诗人.
A blind man is sometimes guided by a dog.盲人有时靠狗引路.
People are sometimes as busy as bees.人们有时也像蜜蜂一样忙碌.
l like drinking ice water after sports.我喜欢在运动后喝冰水.
一般将来时:She is going to the park to have a picnic.她将要去公园野餐.
The evening party will take place on New Year's Eve.晚会将在除夕那天举行.
More practice will make you speak English better.多练习就可以使你的英语口语更好.
We will be pleased to see you if you come tomorrow.如果你明天来我们会很高兴见到你.
He will die if he doesn't go to the hospital.如果他不去医院他就会死.
Mark will be busy next week.马克下周会很忙.
The weather will be better tomorrow.明天天气会好一些.
l will give you a big present on your birthday.我在你生日那天会给你个大礼物.
You will be happy after hearing that news.你听到那消息后会很高兴的.
I hope the weather will soon change for the better.我希望天气很快好转.