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大学英语阅读理解最好能附上答案的注释People within a country do business togeth

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 10:53:13
People within a country do business together. They buy goods, or products, from one another and sell products to others.
Different countries do business together, too. One country may buy and bring in things from another country. This is called importing products. The same country may also sell and send things to another country. This is called exporting products.
The Netherlands is a small country better known to us as Holland. It lies in the low country of Europe on the North Sea.
Holland has a steel-making industry which needs iron. This ore (矿石) is found in some parts of the world, but Holland has none. The little country must import(进口) it. Ships carry the ore to the Netherlands from places like Canada and Africa.
Holland grows millions of flower bulbs (球状物) every year. The country is famous for the beautiful tulips(郁金香)grown from these bulbs. Large numbers of tulip bulbs are dug up, dried, and exported to many countries.
Do you have tulips growing in your garden? Perhaps they are growing from bulbs brought from Holland.

Holland is a small country on the_____________
A. A. Pacific Ocean.
B. B. Atlantic Ocean.
C. C. North Sea.
D. D. Mediterranean Sea.

The story does not say so, but it makes you think that_____________
A. A. Holland is much smaller than the United States.
B. B. Holland is much larger than the United States.
C. C. Holland does not have any industry.
D. D. Holland is the richest country in the world.

Every year Holland grows millions of_________________
A. A. trees.
B. B. grains.
C. C. vegetables.
D. D. flower bulbs.

On the whole, this story is about__________________
A. A. tulips.
B. B. importing and exporting.
C. C. the low countries in Europe.
D. D. the industry in Holland.

Why does Holland import some things?________________
A. A. The people there like to trade things.
B. B. Holland needs some things from other countries.
C. C. There are not enough people in Holland who like tulips.
D. D. Both A and B
1 C 第三段说Netherlands 作为荷兰的一个小镇 我们大多数人都对他很了解它它坐落于the low country of Europe on the North Sea.其中的
the low country 就是前面的 Holland 这说明Holland 也是on the North Sea
2 A 排除法 先看B荷兰比美国大多了 可能吗?C他说荷兰没有工业 看第四段 它拥有一个需要铁矿石的钢铁企业 所以这个也是错的 D荷兰是最富的国家.你没听说过吗?荷兰人说他最有钱 美国人就笑了.
3 D 第五段第一句 直接就是这个题的答案
4 B 这种概括性的题目一般考察的是对第一段和最后一段的概括性理解 看第一段和第二段很明显他是说的进出口 而且最后一段作者用举例的手法来结尾 说没准谁家花园里的郁金香就是和看的进口货呢.这又是在点题
5 B 题目问为什么他们进口东西呢?很明显因为他们缺呗 所以这个肯定选B