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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/05 00:16:55
有位秀才第三次进京赶考,住在一个经常住的店里。考试前两天他做了三个梦,第一个梦是梦到自己在墙上种白菜,第二个梦是下雨天,他戴了斗笠还打伞,第三个梦是梦到跟心爱的表妹躺在一起,但是背靠着背。这三个梦似乎有些深意,秀才第二天就赶紧去找算命的解梦。算命的一听,连拍大腿说:“你还是回家吧。你想想,高墙上种菜不是白费劲吗?戴斗笠打雨伞不是多此一举吗?跟表妹躺在一张床上了,却背靠背,不是没戏吗?” 秀才一听,心灰意冷,回店收拾包袱准备回家。店老板非常奇怪,问:“不是明天才考试吗,今天你怎么就回乡了?” 秀才如此这般说了一番,店老板乐了:“哟,我也会解梦的。我倒觉得,你这次一定要留下来。” “你想想,墙上种菜不是高种吗?戴斗笠打伞不是说明你这次有备无患吗?跟你表妹背靠背躺在床上,不是说明你翻身的时候就要到了吗?” 秀才一听,更有道理,于是精神振奋地参加考试,居然中了个探花。积极的人,象太阳,照到哪里哪里亮,消极的人,象月亮,初一十五不一样。想法决定我们的生活,有什么样的想法,就有什么样的未来。
A scholar third besides Iraq,live in a often live in the store.Two days before the exam,he made three dream,the first dream is dreaming of his on the wall of Chinese cabbage,the second dream is rainy day,he wore a hat to open an umbrella,the third dream is dream with beloved cousin lie together,but back to back.The three dream seems to be some profound,show just the second day go to the fortuneteller oneiromancy.Fortunetelling a listen to,even the clap a thigh said:"you still go home.Do you think,high wall vegetables is not in vain?Wear hat dozen umbrella is not like carrying coals to Newcastle?With cousin lying in bed,but back to back,not no?" Show just a listen to,dispirited and discouraged,back to the store or pack up ready to go home.The boss is very strange,ask:"is not only a test tomorrow,today you how return home?" Show just so and so said some kind of,the owner of the music:"hey,I will also oneiromancy.I think,you must stay this time." "You think about it,the wall of vegetables is not high?Wear hat is not open an umbrella that you encounter this?With your cousin back-to-back lie on the bed,not explain you his day is coming?" Show just a listen to,more reasonable,and spirits to take an exam,incredibly in a TanHua.Positive people,like the sun,as to where where bright,negative people,like the moon,first 15 different.Idea decided to our life,what kind of idea,what kind of future.
英语翻译英文翻译有位秀才第三次进京赶考,住在一个经常住的店里。考试前两天他做了三个梦,第一个梦是梦到自己在墙上种白菜,第 三个秀才进京赶考的故事. 有谁知道这么一个故事,讲有一个秀才去考试做了3个梦,1是在墙上种菜,2是和表妹背对背睡觉等. 三个秀才进京赶考,路过一座寺庙,恳请和尚推算考后的结果怎样.和尚说:"答案就在你们心中." 文章:秀才赶考 和尚伸出一个手指,无论三个秀才赶考结果如何,他推算得都对,填空. 英语翻译在很久很久以前,在一个名为蒙自的城镇里,有着一群年轻有为的侠士,正为进京赶考武状元而不断努力练习自己的武术,希望 和尚伸出一个手指,无论三个秀才赶考结果如何,他推算得都对,填空. 从前有三个秀才赴京赶考,他们同时来到一家客店住宿.一个秀才说如果这次未能考中我便把我的姓倒着写. 张半仙的骗术从前,有三个秀才准备上京赶考.临行前,他们一起去问被称为“张半仙”的道士,请他预测三人的功名前途.“张半仙” 猜姓氏,三个秀才进京赶考,都发誓,如果榜上无名,就把姓倒过来写.别人问他们姓什么, 一个赶考秀才到庙里求签,想知道自己能不能高中,签里的四句话是: 梦到自己钓到大鱼昨天晚上做了一个梦,梦到自己在河边钓鱼,旁边有个陌生人也在旁边钓鱼!有一老者,像是一位戴斗笠的农夫,他告